Joe Duffy's Liveline

Given her predicament, maybe she needs a different job

Like David Kitt whingeing he couldn’t afford to buy in Dublin. Make better records.



The misogyny crew were out in force this afternoon.

Having a great laugh at a poor woman on the verge of homelessness

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A floor of a Georgian building in south Dublin City is her demand

A new low for TFK

Would yourself and bobby offer to put her up?

Given your locality and generous nature I know you won’t see her in a doorway. You could rent a room.
Think of the benefits, she might be able to stretch to making an oul’ stew, take Bobby for exercise, pick sloes and berries and you could show her how to make beer as you listen to some jazz.
I don’t know if she’s eligible for Hap or just eligible but the €7/800 a month wouldn’t go astray.
She’d be rightly impressed if you told her you were the TFKCSA. An authoritative figure no less……

I’ll wait to see if my application to house Afghan refugees is passed first.


Ye have no understandin at all of the benefits the Arts bring to us all.

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Fumbling in a greasy till.

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Adding the halfpence to the pence

Dublin is a mediocre to poor European capital yet has some of the highest property and rental prices in the world. Rather than attacking the government’s and policies that created the mess, lads on here are sneering at a harmless victim of the crisis. Cuntish behaviour so it is.


The „I’m alright Jack” muldoons with their inherited farms.


Sure wot wud I expect from dis gubbermint response there.

Should Jessica expect a free gaff close to Montrose because she chose to be a part time actress in fair city for 30 years and didn’t bother her arse trying something else when that didn’t pay?

You’ve Dublin lads born and bred working hard for 20 years earning a wage to get a mortgage and end up living in bleeding Newbridge for their sins and this wan is moaning where’s her free gaff. Get the boat.

(I didn’t listen to the segment now but @anon67715551 post has me riled up)


English please?

Usual suspects getting riled up

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