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I’m sick of being marooned on an island with Joe Duffy


She was demented.

Did you hear the fella who had covid who was locked in his room after taking every precaution going. Double vaccinated etc and he was locked away now from his family for 10 more days.

His breathing was fine he said but he had a bit of a cough.



Sounds like a responsible adult.

Grow up, manbaby.

The lad who started blaming people for his father dying of Covid was particularly unhinged. He said he had his kids wearing masks to school since the start of the pandemic. Absolute nutter.

Thought the mother spoke well, where does it end? Will it end when they try and force vaccines on kids who are in no real danger of the virus?

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Funny listening to him. Completely hypnotized with fear and self loathing for contracting the deadly virus.

He did everything right apparently.

He is a responsible adult.

Something you would know nothing about being.

At least his breathing is okay and he only has a bit of a cough.

He said he’d be dead other than the vaccines.

A big victory for science anecodatally there.


:rofl: :rofl:


He actually genuinely said that :rofl:

The fella id say was in his early 40’s. A complete maniac.


Scared shitless of a mild respiratory virus, you can spot the lads who were pampered at home by their parents since they left school.


You’d feel sorry for the fella to be honest. Imagine spending the next 10 days in a bedroom closed off from the world after being fully vaccinated.

Due to a positive PCR and aul cough.

The vaccines have been a through victory for science in every sense.

9074 people’s lives are estimated to have been saved by the vaccines in Ireland says the ECDC.

And Lord knows how many long term illnesses.

We are not even halfway through this yet pal. Long way to go yet before anything can be conclusively agreed.

Have the ECDC counted any vaccine injurys or deaths yet?

They have been a thorough victory for science.

Unfortunately we have to live with the parallel world you inhabit which is a world of so called “libertarian” anti-science and anti-modern medicine aggression, which is greatly helping to prolong the pandemic in a much worse fashion than would probably otherwise be the case.

The vaccines are overwhelmingly safe. And effective.

I presume you have never taken aspirin?

Because that kills a hell of a lot more people each year than the vaccines have ever done.

Would seem a bit of a contradiction if you have ever taken it.

I don’t take pain relief tablets at all. I just don’t bother with them. I very rarely get headaches and if I do I wouldnt bother with aspirin either. I’d rather suffer it out naturally.

I’m not anti-medication or vaccines at all. But I try to not take them unless I would absolutely have to.

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So you’ve never taken an aspirin or a paracetamol tablet ever? :grinning:

You seem very afraid of a lot of things.

A lot of little things.

I havent taken any headache tablets in years. Genuinely. Its just the way my heads wired.

I certainly wouldn’t doubt that your head is wired differently to most people.