Joe Duffy's Liveline

I’ve taken the vaccine and if there are boosters they can hook it into my veins.

I’m very reluctant to take pain masking medication though as the bodies way of telling you something is wrong is pain

When you were boxing did you just have a headache all the time?

no mate. I had sore fists alright

are you going to acknowledge your carry on the other night at all no?

No you’re a disgrace

What does jenga have to do with a little girl doing a rubik cube competition? Explain yourself.

What in the name of jesus? Thread please.

The cross-border initiative with regard to elective surgeries in Northern Ireland are being aired on Joe today. It appears to be bulletproof.
A lady had her hip replaced in Belfast (cost £11,200) and recouped €10,900 from the HSE within 5 weeks and she’s happy as a pig in shit with everything. The wait on the procedure here was given as 5 years.
Cataract removal is £2,200 and €1,875 is recoupable.

Somebody here was enquiring about this a few weeks ago.

There must be some scamming going on here by surgeons. People up here are being told the same. You’ll have to wait years for surgery. So they go to the ROI, get the surgery done there within a short period of time and recoup most of their costs from the NHS.

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What’ll we do if there is ever a united Ireland. Paddy loves roguery….


Any of ye here it today. A right curtain twitcher show it was.


Anything about Davy Fitz’s misogyny?

There wasn’t so there wasn’t

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Tis back to being a cod again so is it


Seems like Joe Duffy likes to follow FG troll accounts.

Very telling.

Is Joe Duffy from Grafton Street going ahead tomorrow or what’s the story?

He is but it’s from an old RTE studio somewhere in Grafton St. Don’t panic though, he’ll have the usual coterie of cunts on, O’Carroll and Red Hurley are certs for the lineup and don’t be surprised if Twink sashays in.
Christy Dignam may not be fit for the early start but he’ll be contacted somehow or other to update us on his continuing ability to dodge the Grim Reaper. Unfortunately, pressing domestic duties will preclude me from tuning in, it’s an absolute gawk-fest that would drive you to the drink earlier than suits me.


Grafton Street is magical on Christmas Eve.

No busk this year I believe which is a pity.

3 years ago now since Glen Hansard serenaded the late, great Anton O’Toole in what must be one of the most amazing Christmas moments Dublin Town has ever seen.


Assume a Roy Curtis poem followed within a few hours

I’ve seen that before, Lord have mercy on Anto. And yes, incredibly, Hansard is togging out in the morning.

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