Joe Duffy's Liveline

A painful yacht owner you say, cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Pew-tin as Joe calls him is trembling within in wan of the back rooms of the Kremlin.
Between mouthy yacht owners, exasperated fishermen and a docile Joe Duffy poor oul’ Vlad is possibly regretting tangling with Paddy altogether.

Coveney, with his moany, whiney tone is unlikely to stoke much fear in him.

Joe on a very entertaining spiel currently reading out the public bodies that have full page ads in the Public Service Magazine Awards and coincidentally all won an award.

Joe’s mother Mabel has passed away RIP. Joe, whatever his shortcomings always spoke of her with great admiration, fondness and the occasional touch of fear.


God rest her, but she has a lot to answer for all the same


Would you think so? I’d say it’s all Uncle Gaybo’s fault. He encouraged Joe’s ‘man of the people’ oul’ schtick.

An ounce of breeding is worth a tonne of feeding.

Byrne is an unmitigated Cunt nonetheless

John says Ukrainians should lay down their arms and appeal to diplomacy.

“I’m not just appealing to them, but to all sides.”

John says Ukrainians have a right to defend themselves but they should not be aggressive.

Patrick (not John, as I erroneously called him above) is a master troll, with his rambling, rogueish, trollish Cork accent. He thinks Minsk is in Ukraine.

He’s experienced at this. He’s probably a member here.

Probably Neil Prendeville

One of the fishermen that met the Russian ambassador I believe

One Ferrero Rocher was enough to hook him as a Russian asset.

Simon chips in with his two cents’ worth.

“Putin is not against the people. He’s against the government. It’s a puppet western government put there by Washington. Sure everybody knows that.”

I wonder what Niall Boylan’s take on it is? Less Eastern European escorts around?

I heard that alright. But he has a Russian fiance so he’s alright Jack.

One of the Johnnies coming on next :open_mouth:
Fan girl on the line

They must have sent on the wrong Johnny cause this fella isn’t helping himself at all at all

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Stop digging Johnnie, making it worse

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What did The 1 Johnnie have to say for himself?

Said they were laughing at how crude some of the bumper stickers were but their “condemnation” wasn’t strong enough, clip
Published was out of context to the entire podcast etc etc

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