Joe Duffy's Liveline

Have they actually been taken off rte? Or did they ever broadcast a show on the radio, as opposed to their podcasts…

Started last Monday not on air today or yesterday

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No such thing as bad publicity…

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I’d say having a no holds barred type podcast where you talk shite on any and every topic for hours on end and trying to appear as smashy and nicey types on the likes of daytime 2fm are two completely incompatible things. They’ll have to pick one or the other.

They need
1 - To beg their way back on
2- A producer who is really really good and experienced. Show them the ropes. Stop them making ridiculous fuck ups, provide good content etc.
3- To develop some sort of real opinions or areas of interest. Think their show was meant to be 3 hours? That’s 15 hours a week of craic/banter. People can’t take that much shite. You have to calm down occasionally and be half normal.


I think when your ‘niche’ is ‘talking shite’, you always run the risk of flying too close to the sun.

I wouldn’t say they are bad lads but they have a habit of tripping themselves up now.

In their early days, before they made it big, they were more of a wedding band and were known to cancel at pretty short notice if a bigger gig was offered to them. They also plugged some Vegan Chicken Roll for Mace a while back which as you’d expect went down very badly with their Roaster Fan Base.

Outrageous. Cancel worthy.

Again they apologised fairly quickly, but they lose credibility doing these things.

It’s three hours but around 10 minutes of talking. They’ll manage that DJ 3000 stuff on 2fm but there’s no way you can do a podcast like theirs without saying cancellable stuff. Everyone will be out to get them now too.

Listened back to it on the player there.

He was apologetic enough.

Katie Hannon came across as a bit of a dose. Three or four times she replied with nothing but “you were laughing at those stickers?!” They were foolish but it’s not a hanging offence.

The world is gone mad. People are queuing up to be offended.

I’ve never heard a word the two lads have uttered and don’t know them from Adam but going after people’s careers and livelihood is becoming a blood sport that nobody should be comfortable with.


Katie the sexy cunt, did she say at any stage that the segment was about embarrassing bumper/window stickers at all?

Poor Katie, some producer in her ear the whole time saying “ Joe it up more Katie “.

Ah here. I don’t think these fellas ever flew too close to the sun! It’s more that if their schtick is nothing but banter then they always have to push for a laugh. And cos they’re just sound lads but not particularly funny then the laughs get cheaper and shitter.

I’d agree.

Why hasn’t there been public outcry towards all these misogynistic stickers on all these cars before the lads highlighted them?

The young lads & lasses drive these cars around in public daily.

If it was one of the usual RTE offspring that land 2FM gigs I doubt she’d be lowering the blade

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She’s better than that gig. Can’t understand how she even tolerates it tbh

She didn’t lower the blade in honesty.
He was way too watery, wouldn’t nail anything to the mast. Apologised but hung his crew out to dry, said that the point of the piece was to condemn the stickers but basically admitted that any condemnation would have had to be implied . He shouldn’t have bothered going on, wasn’t ready .

It’s a crime against comedy and a bad reflection on the youth who find it funny.
They’ll be grand, silly stuff really

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More towards your original point that they need a good producer/advisor/agent etc

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It’s gas that RTE haven’t pulled Tubridy over the coals for his shitty comment yesterday

Easier let two roasters from Tipp be the punch bags

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What did “Tubs” say ?, any campaign to cancel him I’ll fully support (facts not necessary needed)