Joe Duffy's Liveline


Great stuff I’d love to see cunt burn in hell.

If trump said this tubridy would be having an emergency show on tv to discuss it.

He’s a total cunt.

Id rather burn 400k for heat than pay him it.


Ryan Tubtidy is a lovely man, I know of numerous acts of kindness where he has been extremely generous with his time and money towards a young chap from West Limerick, really genuine and mind blowing kindness, if love to day bit I was sworn to secrecy, very few people know about it.
He’s probably a rubbish broadcaster (I genuinely wouldn’t know) but he’s a good man and that means a lot more.


He has to go

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Listen, if you dont get the road for being g full of marching powder during the toy show, you ain’t gonna get it for this


I know a fella who partied with Tubs once and he said he was very generous and decent

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We need a lovely man thread.

They would hate to see new blood in there. Not that it should be those two however.

Very considerate I heard.

You’ve been trying this shtick for years and still no one is biting. Would you consider changing tack at all?


So it was Holly Cairns that hung out the two roasters

Nasty business

I mentioned it once before, right around the time I first heard.
Strange to be called up on repetitive nonsense in a topic discussing RTÉ employees considering the stale stuff that’s brought up non stop.
Everything I say seems to drive you demented these days :man_shrugging:You’re really chasing the likes, fair play to you, easy got, :+1:

I don’t post for bites, a bit of balance maybe on a forum where people would wish death on him


Mild mannered Bill is getting a roasting here currently. His grand plan was to send 100 soldiers from every country in the world with light arms (penknives and water pistols) and stand together in the square in Kyiv.

Apparently (in Bill’s mind) this would bring Vlad to his senses.

Bill took the wrong tablets this morning I’m assuming.


The “discussion” has now reached TFK levels of aggression. Lads roaring at each other and somehow managing to avoid induslanguage but you’d feel it about to go nuclear….

Joe is really acting the cunt here with poor misguided Bill,
The disdain that he is treating him with is disgusting, he’s had him on just to ridicule

Thats a very good idea

I think your “poor misguided Bill” doesn’t actually cover it. Stone barking mad Bill is a more factual summary.

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I think Joe has a duty of care with a caller like that, a harmless old devil who had a brainwave.
Joe treated him like shit, he didn’t deserve that, the Ukrainian chaps that were on with him were completely disdainful of him, Joe should have been a bit more gentle.

Another one now anyway and Joe losing the plot

What a kanger of a man he is