Joe Duffy's Liveline

A gentleman live throwing red paint on the gates of the Russian embassy here.

a priest, no less. |He had to hang up as the Garda wanted a word

Ian, who in his own words “wouldn’t have been able to pick out Ukraine on a map two months ago”, is now a ranting, rampaging foreign policy expert who tells us that Ukraine is a pawn of the west.

They’re always very confident, these lads.

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Does Ian post here?

Was about to ask that question?

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Lads, I think I heard @Cicero_Dandi on liveline earlier.

A pro-Russian nordie called Paddy

First thing I thought it was one of the few Nordie/italian posters from here.

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Joe saying Mick asked no callers allowed.

Don’t think Mick was intending to be homophobic. Airy fairy be a common enough phrase used for nonsense/cloud cuckoo land stuff?

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Joe being deliberately cuntish here. A harmless, throwaway line - he’s trying to make an issue out of it.
Sometimes you’d despair for the state of the nation.


Leo playing the victim again.

He’s still under Garda investigation for allegedly leaking classified documents but that’s hardly mentioned by Duffy, Gavan Reilly and co.


Leo really creeps under your skin.

Just like MHR should have done with cunty Joe, you should ignore it.

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Joe asking MHR how he voted on same sex marriage

Joe Duffy is a wanker.


“Airy fairy “ - I’ve never heard that as having a homophobic undertone. Means impractical or not an idea for the real world ?


There’s some serious undertones to his dislike of Leo

The people of Kerry will judge MHR

I hope the people of Kerry return 5 Healy raes at the next general election.

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MHR has used being a stupid cunt as an excuse for far too long now. Being iq deficient may be a vote getter in Kerry but casting homophobic slurs like this is a step too far. MHR needs to be cancelled.

that doesnt make sense in terms of what he said.

He said off with you with the airy fairies, i dont think off with you with the impractical makes sense