Joe Duffy's Liveline

Sadly so it appears.

Same cunts who’d get upset over manholes

To be fair to MHR, it can be hard to keep the Kerry man act going, while unnecessarily shouting and having a row at the same time all while trying to look good for the facebook videos. He regularly trips over his words and mangles phrases etc. I’d be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt here. He would be too mindful of alienating a vote to say something against the LGBTQ+ community.
The only people who he ever gives out about are the Dubs, cos they can’t vote for him.

I’m inclined to agree. The term airy fairy isn’t offensive but the context and way he used it was off. I’d therefore be in favour of a temporary cancellation because words matter.

Lads, am I reading this right, is airy fairy cancelled?

Off with you with the airy fairies???

That’s not how I’d use ‘airy fairy’

Accidentally homophobic 100%


MHR is fair from a fool.

As the saying goes, you might buy him as a fool but best of luck selling him as one.

It takes a smart man to play that fool.

You don’t run Kerry being a fool.

We’re some little nation all the same lads aren’t we. On the verge of being microwaved by a lunatic despot and this is what gains our full attention for a midweek in march.


Hang on… Gains the attention of the crackpots on Joe Duffy, Twitter and tfk

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He’s as thick as pigshit but still brighter than his voters.

Id say you wouldn’t be great at the aul rope a dope Michael

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Agree rating.

whatever about Varad, there’s nathin’ airy fairy about Vlad,

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Am I allowed say a fella is “away with the fairies”?

Yes. You just cant tell a gay man to go away with the fairies. Its a big difference.


So if he is already away with the fairies it’s OK, so long as I’m not the one that tells him to join them?

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Depends. If youre saying he’s nuts yes. If he happens to be away at a big party for gay people/a jimmy summerville concert/the eurogames then you’re being homophobic. Run what you say through your head before you say it i suppose.