Joe Duffy's Liveline

Today will never be bettered, not even by alan partridge.
Joe gave considerable airtime to ciara. I missed the start but presumably ciara and hubby were previously down on their luck. Now however things have turned a corner: Ciara is able to share a heart-warming tale centered around her husbands decision to train as a taxi/bus driver. Everyone involved has been supportive and incredibly positive. Everything is looking hopeful and the couple are justifiably optimistic about their prospects…and the upcoming taxi/bus exam.
Joe shares their delight and even goes so far as to enthusiastically suggest that ciara might even train as a taxi/bus driver herself: “Ah no Joe, I’m registered blind. I don’t think they’ll let me”.
Joe flounders a bit, but remains steadfastly positive, soldiering on for as long as is required to restore the mood. With the finishing in sight he then expresses a reasonable hope that ciara and hubby have a lovely Christmas: “Ah no Joe, we’ll not be celebrating Christmas- were a muslim household”.
It was a very enjoyable half hour.


Almost sounds made up, if it is thats some going

I was listening to it. Nearly crashed the car laughing


So it could actually have been even funnier!?

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Katie Hannon in the saddle today - all HSE ambulance bashing,

Marie gets on with a moan about a delay of 45 minutes for a cardiac ambulance. She’s a nurse and has oxygen and knows what to do.
Ambulance no use, son in a cardiac arrest mode - rings Gardai.

Marie is a nurse (did I mention this already) horses Junior into the car and strikes for Crumlin with him sucking oxygen. Meets the Gardai at the motorway and Guard takes the wheel. Marie (the nurse) takes command of the patient and thanks to superb work by the Gardai the reach Crumlin and Junior lives.

Marie then says something will have to be done, 45 minutes for a cardiac ambulance isn’t acceptable (see Aughawillan or Aughnasheelin for times) and somebody must be called to account……

Marie informed us of her nursing talents about 10 times and Katie let her rabbit on ad nauseum. Has this bored the shit out of you ? Good…

The story bored the shit out of me at least.


I was hoping Katie would have pushed her on how she procured the home oxygen.


she stole it from @TheUlteriorMotive s house


Did marie get off with the guard? A coppers love story

I’d say Marie is a useless bag of shit as a nurse.


Id imagine keeping someone alive til they got to the hospital if* they had a cardiac arrest is a sign of good nursing…

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Tis a guess now, don’t read too much into it my man!

She’s a good mother. Saved her son’s life by being proactive rather than wait for an ambulance that wasn’t coming.

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Blue Peter badge on the way.

Like your workmate ?

You need to have empathy beyond your own lived experience

Well done, great memory. Blue Peter badge to you so.


Excellent work. It matters little how many souls marie saved, or how admirably a guard drove a car. The facts show Marie was boring, bummed up her achievements and was ‘unentertaining’. One cardinal sin after another.

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You’ve summarised it beautifully. You could get an additional earner writing critiques of radio phone ins. Marie was tremendously annoying.

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She sickened my happiness, and i wasn’t even listening