Joe Duffy's Liveline

He’s some man


Ffs the travellers gave it a shit name, now blaming immigrants FFS🙈

Joe promises to investigate the death of Wolfe Tone today - suicide or not?

A great opportunity for those here who have recurring visions of the ghost of WT to ask the question….

If you have been affected by the issues raised in this programme…

Seems to be a good Liveline today based on Twitter snippets. That headbanger Fianna Fáil councillor Deirdre Conroy defending herself from allegations she refused to allow her lodger use the kitchen. You may recall Councillor Conroy from her failed by election attempt a while back when Ivana Bacik won the seat. She appears to be as mad as a bag of something or other.


There was an article on it in the Irish times today. She used run a blog called diary of a Dublin landlord.

Tough stories of people excluded from the public IVF scheme, Katie just had to tell a woman (indirectly) that she wasn’t eligible

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She does sound a few sandwiches short of a picnic, is it true that she said she gave the lodger a Microwave oven to use her room but it was 16 years old and the door had to held closed while it was on?

Maybe Scrooge is real.

Hard to believe that mindset bankrupted the country

Why is the State paying for IVF treatment for anyone?

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I dunno, I suppose they’re just sound like that!
I guess having a child is a massive thing, really fucks up a lot of people who can’t, ends relationships, destroys mental health etc, if you have enough money you can increase your chances, a lot of people go into huge debt to try it,

The NHS has done it for a number of years. It’s giving people, in particular women, with fertility problems the chance to have a child. Many are excluded because they can’t afford it. Health insurance doesn’t cover it.

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Sometimes life isn’t fair, there’s plenty of people in that boat. The people who have the state paying for everything else will end up being the beneficiaries I suppose.

Sometimes life isn’t fair but if the State can make it a little less unfair isn’t that what the State is for.


I thibnk this universal apart from age and weight

That is a very particular and specific niche to be taking responsibility for.

I’m at a loss as to what point you’re trying to make.

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Maybe but sure what harm.


People who pay income tax will also benefit