Joe Duffy's Liveline

Universal IVF so

Magical thinking is a great way to govern

Limited to two rounds I believe.

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There are a number of criteria

I suspect that the vast majority of people you’re worried about already have children, or won’t fit the criteria.

It’s a good thing. It will make lots of people happy


That’s justifies it so

The same people could adopt and make an exponential difference to a child’s life


Its extremely hard to adopt and if you are in your late 30s you have little chance

It shouldn’t be like handing out lollipops. The 30s criteria should be certainly be changing in this day and age.

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Look at the IVF kids as future taxpayers. Birth rate needs pumping for future economic and tax purposes. It’s not all about being nice I imagine


I didn’t even realise they did two. Thought it was one. A neighbour from home has lived there since she finished college and without that scheme she wouldn’t have her little daughter now.

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Do you realise how difficult the adoption process actually is?

You seem to have a real lack of empathy for people in this scenario. I know of friends who have spent 30-40k, borrowed off friends, family, Credit Unions, etc.


I have seen and dealt with hundreds of kids at this stage born into circumstances where they get fuck all of a chance in life. People having kids who I wouldn’t let mind a cat. I have good friends who are adopted (getting married to each other now) and they had the real blessing to be brought up in safe and stable homes instead of those kind of environments. That bar should be high. There’s all kind of carnage that can happen when it isn’t.

I’m an uncle and godfather to IVF kids. I worked with a girl going through the process unsuccessfully a number of times before they finally got lucky, and I saw that stress and heartbreak up close. The financial aspect was nothing onto the emotional side of it.

I still don’t however subscribe to the notion that the state is obliged to step in here. I think we’ll stay apart on that.


My body, my choice, your bill

It’s not obliged to step in. The State decided to step in because they felt it was the right thing to do.


Well surprise surprise.


I suppose the state shouldn’t have any duty towards homeless people either? The health service costs a lot and they’re paying it out of your taxes you know. And did you know about child allowance? They literally give children free money. No wonder the country is broke.

Newsflashes everywhere in there :yawning_face:

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A lot of women are having children later in life due to careers, meeting partners and getting married later. This decreases the chance of a successful pregnancy so more and more couples are turning to IVF. With little or no cover on private health insurance, it can become a massive emotional and financial burden on couples so any help is welcome.
Anyway the criteria is quite limited with women needing to be under 41, this being their first child, man/woman couple and you only get one go isn’t exactly flinging the gates open to all and sundry.


All valid points. Had a look through it there and it’s no free-for-all at this stage anyway.

Well coloured me surprised misogynist glas denies women bodily autonomy

I think that’s a very unfair comment.

Few good friends of mine are both emotionally and financially broke from years of IVF… neither of them would ever have gotten a penny in handouts from the state


Two distinctly different subsets

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