Joey Barton

You’d imagine so, unless she’s a loony bin of some sort

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Was Onana in goals?


Joey very popular on TFK for an ex rangers player.

He has lost the plot entirely on Twitter

Barton is doing a serious job on Twitter, he has them frothing at the mouth

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The silent majority Barton speaks are going to get a lot more silent this morning.

I see the right wing lads are running into the same issue as the open everything up during Covid brigade.

They have some ok points but their causes are hijacked by headbangers like Joey Barton or the 5g crowd which means they lose the middle ground they desperately need.

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They hate lineker

The Dutch?

The awkward squad

The Dutch?

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Joey looks like the kind of quiet lad who would one day explode in class and stab you in the eye with a compass.
There was one in every school.

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I wonder was it @Kyle, @glenshane or @Enrique that sent it? :joy:

Christ, they’re still hopping :joy:


You love to see it, a load of neckbeards sitting at home, frothing at the mouth

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