Joey Barton

I think this interview is from a month or so ago. He is some man to tell a story in fairness :joy:

He’d be a good FOTF

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Always the victim

Im in agreement with him on Eni Aluko.Dreadful and lets be honest here,the definition of tokenism.Anyone that would come out with the statement about 19 goals in 40 games as being “nearly a goal a game” does not deserve to be in the position shes in.Full stop.And thats only one incident ive highlighted.My opinion is not misogynistic.Its being straight and honest.Theres a backlash brewing out there and its gathering serious momentum and not just on tokenism,but on transgender issues,welfare refugees and its only going to get worse before it gets better.

My daughter had a buddy who recently declared she was “pan -sexual” and according to my young one,on any particular day she could be attracted to a tree and the next day a Cat.Im not joking.This is the woke society youngsters are in now.

Id look at that as her not being able to get a human partner so in an effort to attract attention,shes coming out with that bollox.That behaviour should be ridiculed,imo.

This woke idiocy has to stop but so many men,in particular, havent got the balls to just call it as it is.Why is that? To look cool? Its not cool.Its fuckn warped.
It will be the ruination of society if its not stopped.

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All this me/they/them shit is cultural. It will pass hopefully.

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The list of deep thinkers like Joey is ever growing

Elon Musk
Andrew Tate
Enoch Burke
Conor McGregor
Ewan MacKenna
Russel Brand
Joe Rogan

No wonder the woke crowd are frothing their skinny lattes into their neckbeards

You left out the Tory party mate.

That’s some rant coming off the back of some woman replacing lee Dixon on a half time panel


The Tories are alright so long as the likes of Charlie Walker is still around

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Eni Aluko :white_check_mark:
Tokenism :white_check_mark:
Transgender Issues :white_check_mark:
Welfare Refugees :white_check_mark:
Attention Seeking Wokesters :white_check_mark:
Ruination of Society✅

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And Sir Desmond Swayne

That’s like saying Donald trump had a nice left shoe on.

It wouldn’t look good if we lose Rory Stewart to the labour lefties

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Wanting to be/being sexually attracted to cats :white_check_mark:

If poor aul lee Dixon started purring or shitting in a litter tray he might be still in a job.

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Joey Barton has compared Eni Aluko to Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot.


They were all shit at football?

I heard all the children are identifying as cats now and demanding litter boxes in the classroom. My cousin’s friends aunt said it’s happening in the school near her. 100% fact. Definitely not completely made up


Barton is right, and he is supoosed to be far righr​:rofl::rofl:

Ive heard of children demanding litter boxes in a few schools at this stage.

It happens alright. There are a few in Krakow walking around in cat costumes. And I don’t mean catsuits