Jordan Peterson šŸ vs CH4

Heā€™s a clinical psychologist, unlike those who are clinically insane, for starters.


No you are completely wrong.

And you are a poisonous person who takes little bits out of various things to suit some narrative.

I think things need to be pointed out about Irish culture that we accept as ok that are actually very damaging;
Male inability to express
National insecurity about what others think of us
Employment snobbery
And many other things.

I also value alot of Irish traits but I think we need to grow up a bit and see the bigger picture. And in fairness many people do nowadays.

If you have not lived around the world and seen other better ways then you will not understand my perspective. Many do not and many do not agree or fully agree. But itā€™s only a small few get actually upset like you and chocco.

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In fairness choco is only acting the bollox.

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Youā€™re the one with the mentality that other people are always out to get you and prop that up as the reason you keep failing in life. You are completely absent in introspection and like to project onto others.

You need to lose the sense of entitlement that you have. Nobody owes you a great life and getting bitter about others successes in life certainly wonā€™t help that.

Maps of meaning I have dipped in and out of. I am now on 12 rules for life

I have a friend who has been on about him for quite a whike, who is a clinical psychologist. And in have been picking up his podcasts and lectures since he started doing them

Do you realise how stupid you look when the only thing you can muster as a response is to call the person youā€™re responding to ā€œinsaneā€?

Oh, and by the way, seeing as you now appear to placing such store on psychology qualifications, letā€™s see what youā€™ve said about psychology before.

Oh dear. :smile:

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More anecdotal bullshit.

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You are exactly the screaming Mary he goes on about


I donā€™t scream. I eviscerate.

And I have people like you for breakfast.

Neuroscience will displace the sift sciences more and more.

Whatā€™s bullshit about psychology and what has muddied the waters is modern pop psychology and gobshites like Tim ferris.

Peterson has years of clinical experience though.

While he needed the degree to do that, itā€™s far more valuable than any qualification. Very similar line to coaching

You didnā€™t answer the question I posed to you.

Take up your belief in psychology with @anon7035031, who says itā€™s ā€œbullshitā€. Heā€™s the one attempting to tag team with you on this thread.

You are psychotically delusional

There was no question

Psychology in general isnā€™t robust science as itā€™s based on subjective evidence. Clinical psychology is reputable however as it follows well established experimental practice. I have a high regard for clinical psychology as they generally are short on bullshit.

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What relevance has Petersonā€™s academic qualification to his stance on gender pronouns?

Backtrack, backtrack, beep, beep, beep

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Psychology in general is bullshit, clinical psychology the exception.

Do you understand the difference?

It seems you donā€™t!

Let me simplify it for you.

Clinical psychologists are useful.