Jordan Peterson šŸ vs CH4

Jordan Peterson is not that new lads.

Itā€™s gas that some lads on here get outraged by stuff I say that in some cases tallies with this lad and in fact in others actually came from him yet now cos he was in C4 they are all hopping on board.

Gas gas cunts.


Hard to believe itā€™s taken until 2018 for someone like him to emerge and speak the truth.

Thatā€™s a cracking article in the Guardian.

No wonder it has this Peterson chapā€™s gullible fanboys frothing at the mouth.

A waster like you is hardly going to be comfortable with his message.

Youā€™re such a child, Kevin.

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The message is hard to take I know.

Quit the victim shit sid.

Youā€™re the victim, here, Kev. Youā€™ve always been a victim, or certainly an imagined one. That reality is unmistakable from everything you write.

Youā€™re an overgrown man child who is scared of the modern world, looking for a Pied Piper of Hamlin to confirm your inner backwardness as correct, to simplify things to a dumbed down level that you feel comfortable with.

I think you might just have found him. It was always going to be a him.

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A lot of this thread brings this guy to mind

This guy for me


Jordan eats meat and greens, not starchy TV dinners from a bar in Bishopsrtown.

Oh right.
So I cannot share a social or political outlook or ideal with him???


Does that mean if you buy a bag of chips you are a skanger?

The popularity of the man means a lot more than you share his outlook. Interested to know what ones you mentioned before that align with his.

Just showed it to Mrs J. She thinks Newman is a fucking nut but is looking for some back story on why she hated him so much. Any ideas?

Newman isnā€™t a nut, sheā€™s just not a very good journalist.

The chap she was interviewing is a bit of a nut.

Heā€™s far more interested in coining it in via crowdfunding from his army of alt-right fans on the INTERNET than in actual academic research.

Why do you think heā€™s a nut?

I think he uses the front of having an academic qualification to lend ā€œauthorityā€ to views which are stuck in the 1950s.

Heā€™s basically an arsehole.

Fair enough if you donā€™t agree with him/think hes an arsehole, he does seem to wish to return society to a more conservative traditional structure. But that doesnā€™t make him a wack job

I think disaffected whites have flocked to him, he hasnā€™t courted them. Iā€™ve never seen him promote supremacy or anything like it. That would be frankly un-canadian.

I donā€™t think heā€™s a white supremacist. But he frequently uses the terminology of the alt-right, such as ā€œsocial justice warriorsā€ and ā€œpolitical correctnessā€. I only heard of him for the first time about four or five months ago, and donā€™t know enough about him to say whether heā€™s a whack job or not, or even alt-right, but when someone uses the terminology of the alt-right, itā€™s very hard not to have suspicions about their true motivations. As soon as somebody uses the term ā€œcultural Marxismā€, or a variant such as ā€œpostmodern neo-Marxismā€, itā€™s very hard to take them seriously - these, along with the alt-right terms I previously mentioned, are stupid, tabloid terms designed to appeal to fringe nutters, and by using these terms, people are basically admitting that theyā€™re aiming their argument at this market.

All this stuff about transgender pronouns and supposed threat to free speech that he has got involved in is nothing to do with his academic qualification, so heā€™s arguing from no more a position of authority on it than anybody else, and from what Iā€™ve read about it, his arguments are groundless.

Itā€™s over week since I watched that C4 interview, and I canā€™t be bothered watching it back now, but the firm impression I got is that heā€™s against any sort of affirmative action programmes, which is just stupid.

Political correctness is not an alt right term. Social justice warrior is a bit prejudicial alright but its also in wide usage.

Regarding the gender pronouns, Peterson was admonished in his own university regarding his refusal to use them, on two separate occasions. Heā€™s responding to that perceived restriction on free expression, he didnā€™t randomly pick it.

Heā€™s a right wing traditionalist from what i see so far. Definitely over the top with his notions of marxist subversiveness driving the left but talks common sense too.