Jordan Peterson 🐐 vs CH4

Why don’t you read the bill instead of rambling on about things you’ve made up? I posted a link to it for you already.

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He knows his audience :smiley:

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There’s fellas on tinternet that think 15 minute cities is basically North Korea

JP Knows

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That’s a funny headline. The law introduces a crime and prison is one of the punishments. It’s hardly a searing in sight from the ‘critics’.

These mentalists spend the rest of their lives going on how about how they’re “tough on crime”, yet see no problem with hate speech inciting criminal behaviour.

It’s almost like their entire worldview is that of a three year old, with apologies to three year olds.


They have an issue with tolerance basically. And when they see there is money to be made from it then all bets are off.

The mindless ideology which goes by the name of “libertarianism” is one of the great evils of our time.

The genius of “libertarianism” was in its branding. “Libertarianism, ooh that sounds good, who could be against that?”

The problem with “libertarianism” is that it only values things by “the market”. And thus “libertarianism” holds that the worth of all opinion, all information, can only be measured by how much engagement it generates in the market.

And thus, for “libertarianism”, truth and reason ceases to have any worth whatsoever. Only the amount of engagement an opinion can generate counts. So “libertarianism” promotes the most extreme opinions, because these are the opinions that generate the most engagement. Rational, sensible opinions generate no engagement. Those who voice rational, sensible opinions are relentlessly piled on by online armies of cretinous, hyper angry real people, and bots. Spectacle is everything.

The inevitable outcome of all this is a world in which good faith public discourse is destroyed and a world of hyper-angry, hyper-paranoid right wing shriekers dominate. Orwellian narratives are pushed. “Intolerance is the real tolerance. Tolerance is intolerance!” Those who support unprovoked invasions of free democracies by tyrannical fascist regimes claim to be “for peace”.

“Libertarianism” has always been fascism operating under better branding.

And there is no more lucrative audience than an audience of cretins high on the cult of “libertarianism”, fake “critical thinking” or “free thinking”. Thinly disguised fascism.

That’s why we have Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Russell Brand, Robert Kennedy Junior, Tucker Carlson, Nigel Farage, Ivor Cummins, Lozza Fox, Gemma O’Doherty etc. And the likes of George Galloway and other fake “left” cosplayers like “the Grayzone”.

All the people @glenshane gets his batshit worldview from, basically.

Russia is at the heart of all it all. The spiritual king of all of these nutcases and their ideology is Putin.

These cretins shriek about a “woke mind virus” when “mind virus”, or “brain rot” perfectly describes them.

A lot of different people there with different backgrounds so to tarnish them all as coming from the same ideology is itself quite sweeping.

The lads who seem to be the biggest consumers of Twitter are the ones who claim the rest of us are the ones most affected by it.


All of them are essentially the same. All of them are flooding the zone with bullshit, as Steve Bannon says. What is sweeping is the appalling effect they and their ilk are having on public discourse and what real people believe. And there are hundreds, thousands of these types existing in the information sphere, just that most of them are less well known, but all of them have real influence and cause real harm to society.

All of them trade on celebrity or the desire to be celebrities - not on real, sincerely held ideas. Peterson might have had sincerely held ideas when he came into public view first but has long since descended into being a genuine nutcase who only cares about celebrity and notoriety.

These extremely dangerous people have always existed, but the information sphere has never been so favourable to them flourishing.

I think it’s a pretty good list of people who come out with the same types of shite, very ideologically similar. Different profiles and degrees of batshit but good to recognise their similarities.

The ideology that there is such a thing as a “woke mind virus” is a Twitter creation.

I look at Twitter a lot and have never said otherwise. Looking at Twitter is essential to understanding the way information spreads and the networks that spread it.

But the difference is, I am intelligent and know how to navigate online information. I am sceptical of sources and I understand which sources are mainly trustwortthy and which are not. Whereas those who constantly rant about Twitter here but in fact take all their batshit crazy right wing insanity from it, are totally oblivious to the fact they are being radicalised into insanity. They are totally credulous. They think they are sceptical yet they are the most gullible people in the world. They do not think. They only desire slogans.

This forum has a significant cohort who are in denial about what they are and where their crazy real mind virus has come from. It comes from far right American Twitter and far right American and English online content.

It doesn’t come from real world interaction. It comes entirely from not getting out.

There are numerous people on this forum who come from rural Ireland who have made the choice to remodel their identities on the most caricature Trump supporters from Alabama. They only understand the world through the frame of right wing America now.

It’s laugh out loud hilarious in one way and tragic in another way.

Staggering delusion. You’re a propagandist who peddles misinformation and is mostly known on here for contradicting yourself every few posts and completely unable to stand over anything you say.

Nobody gives a fuck what you think, mate.

That doesn’t bother me.

Just felt it worthwhile to point out what a deluded individual you are.

Bernard Williams, one of the 20th century’s wisest philosophers:


It’s perfectly obvious we need to rid ourselves of talentless dolts like Elon Musk and replace them with self proclaimed intellectuals from TFK.


First true thing you ever said.

There are quite a lot of people on this forum who are more intellectual than Elon Musk.

To be fair that it wouldn’t be hard to be more intellectual than a charlatan and a fraud who inherited a vast fortune from an emerald mine in apartheid South Africa and whose only talent is gormless self promotion to an audience of cretinous right wing nutcases.

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