Jordan Peterson šŸ vs CH4

Thereā€™s a few lads on here that would greatly benefit from cleaning their room.


I straightened up my room a bit there earlier. I found it very therapeutic, Iā€™m not ashamed to say so.

You mean the likes of @Bandage? Beyond help I fear. Showed his true colors early today lashing out like a rabid drunk. The cunt should ban himself rather than limiting the posting rights of top posters that dare disagree with his demented worldview.

People are finally waking up all to the bullshit and lies. The prime minister of New Zealand is now claiming that nobody was forced to take a Covid vaccine :joy:. A country where 40% of the workforce were threatened with losing or lost their jobs if they didnā€™t take the vaccine. Trudeau doing the same in Canada, They just assume their populations are morons, and when anyone speaks out like a JP or RFK Jr, they get blackballed as ā€œfar rightā€ by the lickarse media. Peterson has been sentenced in Canada to ā€œreeducation campā€ for having the wrong opinion on vaccine mandates and for daring to criticize Trudeau. Sounds a little fascist?

But the woke here and elsewhere lap this shit up, forgetting that silencing dissent will come back to bite them. RFK Jn is a prime example, was an absolute darling of the Democratic party and the left for decades, absolutely no on else in US public life brouught so much focus on protecting the environment and curtailing the greed of the food amnd drug industries that are destroying the health of children. But then he dared to condemn vaccine mandates and has now dared to criticise the hapless Joe Biden, so he must be destroyed.

Actual fascism, right in front of our eyes.


i cleaned out the cab of the Massey on Saturday. Immense clarity after.


Savage neediness on display here from the Peterson fanbois. They need to pop a few benzos and chill out.

Weā€™re seeing something truly remarkable unfolding with joe. The war to end all wars was regarded as being the nail in the coffin of royal families, blind loyalty and detached disinterested dukes and kaisers who were quite happy to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of innocents for their own greed and vanity. Nothing has changed, and the gullibility of the public is stunning, in the information ageā€¦
As scott horton says, vote democrat or vote republicanā€¦you get john mccain

In all fairness, without having dived too deep into the work of Peterson his book on rules for life is a decent guardrail for young men, particularly those who may not have a father figure in their life.

Perhaps if you want to turn them into repressed, emotionally stunted, yet arrogant sacks of misery with a fake victim complex for life.



An anal douching of the mind comes in the most surprising of suggestions at times.

Fascists like @Tierneevin1979 remind me of the former poster Labane who went on the run from the feds when they came after him for hate speech & racism. I donā€™t know what ever became of that absolute cunt but heā€™s the type whoā€™d write a boring load of chat gpt for fascists style dribble eulogising Jordan Peterson. A right cunt if ever there was one.


Does Peterson turn you into a loon or are loons just naturally predisposed to become Peterson fanboys?
I assume itā€™s the second so Iā€™m wondering what he does to improve their lot,

Where were you when your good mate and felllow Celtic supporter and barstool pretend Republican was doxed by a longstanding forum member? Not a peep out of you you yellow bellied coward.

Your basic problem is having your holes opened by Killkenny for decades was accceptable, but now Galway relegating you to also rans has driven you over the edge.

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Why are you so bitter- is it about Ryan?

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Whatā€™s your opinion on vaccine mandates? In Canada, where Peterson lives, all 10 provinces enacted vaccine mandates limiting access to services and travel, and thousands of people who refused vaccination lost their jobs. Based on an incorrect assumption that vaccination stopped transmission.

Peterson opposed vaccine mandates at great cost to his professional career. Who are the loons? The sheep who supported vaccine mandates and were wrong, or those that opposed them and were right?

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Itā€™s quite disturbing that there are teachers who regard those that question establishment narratvies as loons. You would think they would encourage critical thinking, but I suppose if they lack that ability themslves itā€™s too much to expect they would encourage it in others.

I think the power has gone to his head

Disturbing is it?? Perhaps we should encourage children to follow looney right wing propagandists, that sounds like a super idea :man_shrugging::joy:

Is Peterson all about vaccine mandates, thatā€™s it yeah??

Yiou should encourage children to think for themselves and consider differing viewpoints. Labelling a distinguised academic like Jordan Peterson as a ā€œlooney right wing propegadistā€ is frankly so moronic it disqualifies you from critical debate. How much have you read of his work or are you basing your opinion on your Twitter feed?

Why canā€™t you answwr a simple question. Did you suppport vaccine mandates at the time and if so do you now accpet they were unjust and misguided, as they were based on faulty assumptions?

Peterson also opposes those who encourage treating children who are confused on their sexuality with hormone blockers. Do you think he is correct on this one or are you with the trans activists?

If youā€™re going to comment on Peterson, at least get up to speed on the issues. Shrieking ā€œlooney right wingerā€ is something the average educated 14 year oild should be laughing you out of the classroom for.

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I donā€™t know where to start,
My opinion is that Peterson is a grifter, he preys on the weak minded, if he arrived into the world tomorrow fully formed Iā€™d tell you instantly whoā€™d be a devotee on TFK,
Everybody has responsibility for their own children, believe it or not we donā€™t get into Jordan Peterson stuff in the classroom, it would be strange if we did, but if you wish to raise your children to be hate filled thatā€™s your prerogative,
To answer your question I didnā€™t support vaccine mandates(maybe for nurses) and I certainly donā€™t support hormone blockers
If youā€™re gonna attack my profession as a debating tactic I think thatā€™s pretty low, I teach the kids to be respectful of everybody and everything