Jordan Peterson 🐐 vs CH4

It’s actually “loony right winger”.

You know what they say.

If you’re 14 and you like Jordan Peterson you haven’t developed a brain.

If you’re 44 and you like Jordan Peterson you’ll never develop a brain.

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So you agree with Peterson on the two issues he has been most attacked on and compelled by the Canadian government to undergo “reeducation training” to correct his wrongthink.

Maybe you should familiarize yourself with more of his opinions, you might agree on even more topics. As an aside I don’t agree with a lot of what he says but he is far from a right wing loon.

Everyone who has an opinion and writes a book could be called a grifter. Nobody is obliged to read or listen to them. But many choose to which is their right.

I’m not attacking your profession, I’m questioning your beliefs.

I think I’ve raised my children well, they are exceptional young people involved in careers helping others. All you can ask for really.

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You certainly were attacking my professionality, you said it was disturbing

How many of his books have you read? What podcasts that he appeared on have you listened to?

Or did Twitter tell you what to think so you are making sure you fall in line, fast

Christ that says it all

A few of the delicate lads on here like @farmerinthecity and @backinatracksuit get awful wound up about this Peterson fella.

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What specifically is it that Jordan Peterson says that makes him a fascist and me a lad with no brain, a loon and a virgin for listening to him?

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nobody knows… it’s just culture wars… that fella said something I don’t like… fash

the other one said something I DON’T LIKE… commie, wokie etc

and so it goes on.

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JP’s use of scare quote fingers and highly abstract use of specific and its variants gets well nailed here:

As demonstrated in that account, JP cannot think coherently in even the most basic terms. The reality: Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan and Alex Jones and Laurence Fox and James Delingpole (and Naomi Wolf) and all the rest of the cynical loons are magnetic for the present day cohort formed where stupid people, who want to feel suspicion and anger equals insight and intelligence, meet personality alibi merchants, who want to feel their own bad nature is truest take on the world – and therefore not bad nature but authentic nature.

That dynamic is core dynamic. Anyone who takes those people seriously is either a moron by nature or a moron by choice. That second category counts as truest fools, I guess.

The stupid and the bad natured converge in feeling they are achieving something by annoying ‘the wokies’. This stuff gives me the cold laugh granted by middle age. The stupid and the bad natured are trying to cathect, in psychological terms, negative emotions. Why? Because they do not possess the intelligence and/or the emotional resources to do so other than in negative terms. Some group has to be denigrated, whether on the basis of class, gender, race, sexuality or whatever. René Girard and Marcel Mauss are incisive on this aspect of humankind.

No one detests the professionally self righteous more than I do. But the idea that something significant gets achieved by ‘upsetting’ such ‘woke’ figures is beyond risible. On TFK, as elsewhere, there can be no mistake. There is a tight correlation between acute childishness and entrenched right wing bullshit. Both states involve discomfort with complexity, involve a panting snuffling whining traipse after easy and immediate solutions to highly complicated problems.

The other main reality about JP? Equally straightforward. He acts as a calling card for the right wing sludge formed by stupidity merchants and personality alibi merchants, the sludge formed when these two cohorts get in cahoots. This facet is obviously massive in the online world – same as a smiley face avatar was during the Covid pandemic. Approving mention of JP acts in the same fashion of a freemason’s handshake.

The fact that the vast majority of JP ‘fans’ know nothing about the history of Philosophy? Nada. The fact that JP himself is a depressive who dealt with his depression by becoming a shallow Jungian of sorts and then a grifter? Neither here nor there.

The essence of JP’s ‘philosophical project’ – if this term is not laughable? Laughable, yes. But turns on an important topic: the role of willpower in human life. That narrative starts in a sense with Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and gets its most profound 20th century treatment in Elizabeth Anscombe’s Intention (1957). The Stoics’ Classical ideas on how to live are also central. Those ideas were implicit in Aesop’s fables, several centuries before: the hare, wild nature and inchoate talent; the tortoise, self discipline and focus (and a room tidying inclination).

JP’s philosophical failure lies in a failure to embrace Stoicism. This perspective seeks to take the world as it is, not as how personal desire would have the world for ease of habitation. Wittgenstein was essentially a 20th century Stoic, both in his outlook and in his lifestyle. JP, if anything at all in significant philosophical terms, is a sort of bastardized Epicurean, someone who looks to the world and to sensation so as to solve his fear of mortality and death. The grifting, the drug addiction? JP as a fool – a cowardly fool. He just has no wisdom.

All again, there is another forming angle: the history of where Philosophy meets Psychology. This factor derives from 19th century Anglo Saxon Protestantism trying to codify its supposed virtues in overtly sectarian and racist terms. Meaning, there is nothing in JP’s mawkish and trite injunctions about room tidying that is not in Samuel Smiles’ Self-Help (1859). Nothing, that is, except grifted millions from willing morons by nature and willing morons by choice.

The JP ‘fans’ might ask themselves a nice question: why not use Marie Kondo as their calling card?

Answer: because MK is not male, not white, not a Christian. People full of irrational hatred either take to drugs, like JP, or to discussion forums. And sometimes to both activities, no doubt.

‘Moron by nature or moron by choice’: this formulation can be renamed ‘the Jordan Peterson equation’.

Well he said something along the lines that the blame for all sorts of bad stuff that males have done is as a result of society attempting to make them ‘too feminine’.

And that’s fascism?

Bit of a leap mate. He may have been calling you a loon, a lad with no brain and or a virgin. You need to be sharper on these nuances or you’re going to reinforce the stereotype of JP being an intellectual for dimwits.

I don’t know - I never called him a fascist.

He’s just a nobody with zero tolerance for any type of quirk in a person and he’s meant to be a psychologist.

I give him feck all attention to be honest.

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Right, ok so. Anyone who’d go listen to that example is a loon and a virgin?

Yet you came straight on here yesterday saying you were disappointed in me and that I was endorsing shite?

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A loon, a lad with no brain, and or a virgin. I doubt there’s many going to this fella that fall outside that venn diagram.


Peterson is like many other attention seeking wankers - they all mean the same to me.

Yeah, you’ve unearthed a real smoking gun there.
Did you even watch this? He simply says that students embarking on a third level education should have some sort of plan that they find compelling and worthwhile. There’s nothing remotely controversial, right wing or cynical that i can see.
You didn’t even address anything that he sais, not a word…

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Utter bullshit – transparently so.

Only you know why you are so invested in JP’s asinine and poisonous triteness. He is a (rich) moron catering to morons of one or other type.

I gave you the philosophical contexts in which JP’s ‘work’ inserts itself. You might not be comfortable on that terrain – but I am.

I repeat: there is less of interest in JP than in Samuel Smiles. Clear enough?

Here is a book by another Canadian author that offers some useful historical background:

Well written too.

You don’t have to be a virgin mate, at least that’s cut and dry, you’ll know if you are,
Loons don’t tend to identify as loons,

Isn’t he a big hero to the incels?