Jordan Peterson 🐐 vs CH4

A far more interesting venn diagram is the cohott on here who dismiss Peterson are also the biggest headcases on the forum. Especially the lad who reminds us in every second post that he went to Oxford and finished top of his class.

Someone referred to him as a “nobody” :rofl: Regardless of what you think of his opinions, he is one of the most distinguished academics in clinical psychology, author of more than 100 research papers before writing any “self help” books. This is before he fell foul of the Canadian government who took offense at his stance againt their batshit “preferred pronouns” legislation.

Here’s an idea for those who don’t like his opinions, don’t buy his books, don’t listen to his podcasts and don’t attend one of his lectures.


Have you been?

I’ve no idea what an incel is or who their heroes are

So this is a distinguished academic that we can set our watches by??
You wouldn’t be long cutting down distinguished academics that don’t agree with your worldview :man_shrugging:

OK, nobody said you were a virgin either :+1:

Why are Peterson’s fanbois so incredibly needy?

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You said I attacked your profession, I didn’t. I am a massive supporter of education and teachers and eternally grateful for all the great teachers I had from primary school through college. Had a few shit teachers as well but that’s to be expected.

What I took issue with is your tendancy to label everything you disagree with as “far right”. That’s a disturbing trend that has crept into society and is used to stifle debate. No denying there are nutters who are far right, but they shoudln’t be confused with the vastly greater numbers who happen to think differently to you.

You made the claim that the far right has a lot of support in Ireland on immigration. Where is the evidence for that? Unless you believe that the 80% of the population who think Ireland is on the wrong track on immigration are all far right? The reality is the few far right parties that exist get at most a few hundred votes and have never been remotely close to having anyne elected, even at a local level.


I haven’t read any of his research papers or listened to much of JP. Broad question but are the research papers in the same vein generally as his commercially successful books and speaking appearances?

But you’ve a consistent record of labelling people fascists? And communists? And all sorts of other shit.

No, it’s not compulsory to agree with any given academic. I agree with some of his positions, especially his earlier work, not a follower or even interested in him currently. I wouldn’t advise anyone to follow any self appointed “self help” guru blindly.

“every second post”… Bless. The impotence, the impotence…

You are one of the self elected morons. And boy do you really not like having same pointed out.

I would destroy you and the likes of you in any philosophical debate – and have done plenty of times before. And ye know it. Ye simply do not have the brain sugar. And, anyhow, what objection could right wing headbangers credibly have to the survival of the smartest?

Yere choice? To be fatuous or to be hypocritical.

Gives me great amusement that being intelligent and liking picking mushrooms and knowing about whisky drives a select few ladeens here nuts.


You’ve made all that up :man_shrugging:

Most of his ealrier work is on human behavior and specifically addictive personality, something he became familar with himself in later life. His book “Maps of meaning” is an interesting read. He was a practicising clinical psychologist for a few decades so not just an academic.

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“Meaning is when everything there is comes together in an ecstatic dance of single purpose”

So intellectual it could have been written by ChatGPT impersonating Roy Curtis. :grin:

Does he do any analysis of how people become addicted to brain rotting right wing bullshit online and what sort of people they are?

He might want to look into that.

I like both whiskey and mushrooms and I’m highly intelligent, far more so than a pleb like you.

So you didn’t say that far right headcases have a lot of support in Ireland?

I don’t recall, show me where

Couldn’t be arsed, but it’s probably in the Ewan thread who you seem obsessed with.