Jordan Peterson 🐐 vs CH4

So you’re just making stuff up and rolling with it :joy:

@Tierneevin1979 you still haven’t addressed this obvious hypocrisy?

Round and round

You are entirely far from highly intelligent, which everyone can see and which is why I upset ye so much and cause such a seethe.

Ye are so invested in JP, distinctly mediocre in intellect on kindest assessment, because ye think he ‘dignifies’ common or garden prejudices. I do not enjoy stupid people. But I do not think they should face discrimination in an extra genetic sense.

Just as well I am not right wing, because I would be very very right wing.

I have zero interest in Jordan Peterson, just correcting the record for some of the less informed.

Our views on him are probably fairly similar. Like yourself I don’t need no stinking self help.

Well, funny enough, there we can agree.

If I want self help, I go to the Stoics. And maybe Bernard Williams.

Who’s obsessed with Ewan MacKenna? It’s such a boring, weak, lazy attempt at a pwn to shout “you’re obsessed”.

Ewan himself seems more than a tad obsessed with anything “woke” - anything sensible basically - obsessed with making a fool of himself hysterically railing against it.

Naturally enough when somebody in the public eye descends into a screaming paranoid banshee railing against reality and aggressively cheerleading the nastiest people and ideas in society, people tend to notice.

It’s sort of hard not to notice when such a person disintegrates into a total headbanger.

Personally I find it all rather sad, if not a little amusing, because the road MacKenna has travelled has been so utterly predictable and literally everything about him now is a walking, talking cliché and stereotype of the very worst kind.

another pointless pissing contest

Meditations by Aurelius is as relevant as when it was written.
I must read it again.

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yep, somehow i cant see marcus aurelius railing drunkenly on the internet saying hes a million times more intelligent than the person hes arguing with. conversely, i cant see him leavng the net cos someone may have given the feds his real name

I fucking hope Klopp doesn’t get sacked

Is that the lad who used to play left-back for Liverpool?

CC @thepyjamaboys

I haven’t, no, I don’t understand how anyone could listen to him to be honest.

You obviously haven’t read Aurelius, he was very aware of his failings and like myself quite humble about them.

interesting hot take. i can see that both yourself and malarkey seem to be very humble and eager to recognise your shortcomings


No, you provided a link to a video which you pretended supported your argument- probably because the title appeared to do so. In fact it wasn’t an academic or philosophical discussion, just a bland but sensible bit of advice.
I really dont tknow why you think im invested? I enjoyed 12 rules and thought it was sincere, ethical and positive, on the other hand some of his suits look silly. I do find it strange why lads clamour to denounce him with the latest woke insult de jour, without addressing whatever it is they find objectionable. You’d be un an excellent position to explain such behaviour?

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Anything? My profile is public, unlike many others it’s very easy to search my posts
So I believe you made up a load of things about me today, and I don’t know why you’d feel the need to do that :man_shrugging:

That’s a strange search result, very few of them even contain the words far and right in that order,

You’re just making stuff up, you began the day by questioning my suitability to practice my profession, now this, crazy shit.

The only people I ever label far right are the far right, I never even called anybody on this forum a far righter (to my knowledge)

You made it all up :man_shrugging:

Still no answer on which of JPs books you’ve read and podcasts you’ve listened to.

Of course in a way you’ve given the answer

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Listened to the podcast with Joe Rogan, it was very long

I wasn’t ignoring you