Jordan Peterson 🐐 vs CH4

Well all of Joe Rogan podcasts are long.

Which Peterson one did you listen to? What did he say that you took issue with?

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I posted about it at the time

Where, post it here again

I’m not gonna be rude,
I listened, I wasn’t impressed, I do t recall the details,
But if you’re really interested you could easily find it

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You got this opinion based on listening to one podcast. Not to mention loons vigins etc Il have to read your review at the time I’m afraid. Fire it up.

he’s lying

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He said the Rogan podcast was long, I mean how would he know that if he didn’t listen to the JP episode

Big long posts they were and all if I remember right :man_shrugging:

Why would you listen to a second podcast from a guy who you thought was an idiot after the first one?


Reading between the lines here it seems that the fanboys don’t even believe you could listen to him speak and not be converted :man_shrugging:

I certainly did not question your suitability to practice your profession, I’m sure you’re a fine teacher. What I said was I think it’s disturbing that a teacher would discourage students from considering a broad spectrum of opinion and develop critical thinking skills. People don’t develop such skills by living in social media echo chambers.

There’s inconsistency in what you are saying on Peterson. You started out this discussion by calling Peterson a “looney right wing propagandist”. The two primary reasons Peterson has been labelled such are his opposition to vaccine mandates (which were a very real thing in Canada) and his opposition to people advocating hormone blockers for children (very much a real thing in Canada). As it turns out you agree with Peterson on both of these issues, which means either 1) you had no idea what his opinions were, or 2) you are a closet looney right wing propagandist.

Your latest claims are that you do not believe there are any far right posters on TFK, and do not believe the far right enjoys much support in Ireland. Well, I’m glad we agree on that, but it does put you firmly in the ranks of the awkward squad according to many on here.

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So you’re admitting you made it all up?

I may not have said it out loud but I do believe that there are a couple of far right posters here, close enough to warrant that accusation anyway.

Made up the fact you called Peterson a “far right propagandist” and then couldn’t provide any evidence for this, and directly contradicted yourself by agreeing with his most controversial opinions?


I think “far right-adjacent” and “message carefully crafted to appeal to the far right” would be very fair comment about this Peterson weirdo.

Still waiting on the post where you discussed the podcast you listented to, and points JP made. Thanks

How many people criticising Adolf Hitler have actually read Mein Kampf?

Does anybody not like Peterson because he sounds like Pat Mahomes and Kermit the Frog’s long lost father?

That in depth critique of the podcast proving elusive to find

Dont expect too much and you’ll be sure to be disappointed.

Sorry… I sincerely apologize – for somehow posting the wrong video. You are quite right. The one I did post does not support much of an argument in any sense about JP.

This one, which I had certainly watched, is the one I meant to post (because JP’s specious reasoning and rhetoric gets skewered in accessible terms):

Not sure what happened. But I was rushing to make something to eat before I headed off to a Minor B Championship quarter final, which Ballyhale Shamrocks unfortunately lost to Galmoy/Windgap.

A much more important activity.

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