Jordan Peterson 🐐 vs CH4

I think the lefty headbangers have a better grasp of clinical psychology than JP… leave the psych work to them please.


Which forum member is this mentalist?

Didn’t take long for the Nazi card to come out. In terms of danger to society, collectivism whether it is was communists or fascists (same thing under a different disguise), is what led to the slaughter of over 50 million people in Europe in the 20th century. Peterson is a classic liberal and rejects collectivism, which any individual who thinks for himself would agree with.

Name the Jungian “experts” who find Peterson laughable, post up an article or interview with them. Anyone who has an interest in studying Jungian archetypes could do worse than reading or listening to Peterson, he distills complex material down nicely for people who have not studied psychology or philosophy to a graduate level. “Beloved” Sam Harris??, I would rate Peterson far ahead of Sam Harris as a thinker, but both certainly encourage people to think rather than following the herd.

The problem yourself and @sidney have with him is he is a highly successful, accomplished individual, the kind of person you both despise.



Then the lads on here react with

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Agreed. Peterson is a guy who has made, at a generous estimation, a minor contribution to his own sub-field over 20+ years. Now he has apparently dismantled entire schools of thought without bothering to read most of it, on YouTube :smile:

I can see why he appeals to lads on the internet.

Using humour to try and traverse the social dominance hierarchy. Classic behaviour of somebody running out of intellectual headroom.


I’d wager @anon61956325 has produced more significant works of scholarship than Jordan Peterson

Lads sitting at home in their parents house whose only interaction with other humans is the social interaction involved in buying a six pack, are far more expert on human behavior than Peterson with his PhD from McGill University, five years of teaching at Harvard, over 20 years of clinical practice, and authoring more than 100 peer reviewed academic papers.

It’s no contest really.


Are you describing Peterson’s fanbase?

He forgot the constant nightmares about transgender people.

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I’ll allow one more guess.

Here’s one of his fellow thinkers, and someone I would rank higher than him. Listen to the full 1 hour 43 minutes for a thorough dismantling of post modernist bullshit, from one of the greatest minds of the last 50 years. She also identifies as a transgender which dismantles the nonsense about transgenders being peddled.

A lot of lads are afraid to enter the chrysalis of transformation, the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, the fire of change that Peterson has offered them.


The real question is why right wingers are so terrified of pink haired college students.

This is the outcome of the parliamentary inquiry into the ‘free speech crisis’ in the UK.

If only I wasn’t cursed with that old catholic Irish shame that anyone born pre 1990 is riddled with…

I could have been someone, I could have been a contender.

That’s a bit mad, Ted.

Are there lots of goblins and wizards there?

Why are left wingers so terrified of anyone presenting a different view than theirs? Attempted censure ship on campuses is exclusively a left wing thing, dozens of academics at Peterson’s own university demanded that he be censured. Trying to prevent people from speaking who you disagree with is classic left wing behavior and leads to totalitarianism. Which of course is what nutters like yourself and @Sidney crave for.

That’s literally the opposite of what Peterson does.

This from the fruit loop that proposed banning Islam. :laughing:

What is it that Peterson does that you find objectionable? An academic with 20 years clinical experience expressing his views. Sure what would he know, let’s listen to the lads on the dole instead.

Every intelligent person starts out left leaning in their thinking, if not socialist. Over time, those who have the ability to do anything useful with their lives reject it, as if they stay engaged with lefties they find themselves surrounded by useless cunts.