Judgment Day is Nigh

I have yet to see any proof that bird flu was responsible, just because someone says it is responsible for the deaths does not make it true*…

Have you any proof that categorically proves that it was the swine flu that killed those people

  • unless flano says it

They are responsible for tequila, Corona and Sol and Mexican death flu. I forgive them.

Fajitas, Tacos and Nachos as well.

True that.

[quote=“The Puke”]I have yet to see any proof that bird flu was responsible, just because someone says it is responsible for the deaths does not make it true*…

Have you any proof that categorically proves that it was the swine flu that killed those people

  • unless flano says it[/quote]

Have you any proof that categorically shows that adofl hitler is dead?

Did I ever say that he was dead?

No need to be going off on a tangent now, please supply one piece of information that backs up your arguement that wasn’t taken from a big corporate news agency or the UN, as they have agendas

There was a fella from the World Health Organisation on sky there a while ago he basically said the Mexicans were the only ones at risk cos the rest of the world has proper healthcare.

WITJ would you fuck off or calm down a simple course of anti biotics and the fucking thing is gone. Your worse than the daily mail

[quote=“The Puke”]Did I ever say that he was dead?

No need to be going off on a tangent now, please supply one piece of information that backs up your arguement that wasn’t taken from a big corporate news agency or the UN, as they have agendas[/quote]

i didnt say that you said that he was dead. The general consensus is that hitler died in his bunker at the end of WWII. no proof has ever been shown that he is even dead.

I didn’t think it was possible to be worse than the daily mail

What has that to do with your arguement on swine flu…

you said that there is no proof that swine flu was to blame for the 149 deaths in mexico. Im using hitler (as an example) to show that there is no proof that he is dead.

There is lots of forensic evidence to support the claims he is dead.

Exactly, agendas WITJ…I am glad to see you agree with me that this is all just a plot by the pharmaceutical giants to line their pockets

i have never heard of it.
maybe you killed him flano?

I also saw a picure of a very sick looking pig wearing sombrero on some internet site. This pig alone caused the whole thing apparently though it turns out he had hit the tequlia bottle too hard. People just over reacted.

alright, alright

Sensational links between undead Hitler and swine flu brought to you by over sensationalist reporter WITJ today only in the Daily Mail

Flano, is this something we should worry about?

Definitely not. I refer you to my previous post.