Kanye West

Poor Kanye, the Kardashian’s broke his little brain

He’s switched dictators, he’s ditched Kim for Adolf.

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He had a good run in fairness.

He is definitely suffering from mental illness now. A bit of compassion wouldnt go astray.

If Alex Jones brought out a range of shoes it might solve his problems

Cant wait for his next in depth interview with Tucker

Through is a cracking rap song

Not a rap song

Some “pumped up kicks” i heard he has opinions on school shootings

We’re meant to feel sorry for a nazi sympathiser now?

That fucks it all.

Great song.

He is clearly not well now.

Pete has more talent in his dong than Kanye ever had. A hack.

As far as I can see Kanye West is a trojan horse by the Trump movement to develop a multi-racial coalition for Trump by using anti-Semitism as a pull factor, hoping to pull in some of the “so far left they’re actually far right” crowd, the type who are against Israel because they’re Jews rather than because they’re a horrible occupying regime, and who support Russia purely because they’ve invaded a state backed by the US and the EU.

Or at least to get them to not vote Democratic.

He may well be mentally ill, but he’s also a trojan horse for Trump.

Don’t know if sympathy is the right word but he is genuinely mentally ill. Cunts shouldn’t be giving him a platform but it is Alex Jones I suppose.

He seems utterly talentless. I doubt he could even get a tune out of a banjo…or an accordion…he acts all third reich but he’s really just third rate.

Mental illness is a great cover for all sorts nowadays.

Smashing outfit there…

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Kardashians huh?
Turned Bruce into a woman and Kanye into a nazi.


I never listened to his music really and think he’s a complete bellend but I watched the documentary about him that his friend made about him after being recommended and he is most certainly mentally ill.

He is wearing a pair of jocks on his head there in the interview praising Hitler for inventing the microphone so I’d say even at a cursory glance you could infer something is off a bit at least.

Didn’t do much for poor Lamar either.