
The man never drank a Duff in his life.


think you’re right

anyone want to bullet point his waffle,

I cannot quite bring myself to read it



Basically if you want to be good at playing the piano the last thing you should do is practise playing a piano


Grin Smile GIF by Eternal Family

Not worth a fuck, no one chasing him

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FFS now we need to build two gable ends


Ask @Juhniallio about that


Oh the same shite he was on about previously

No, what he’s saying if you want to play top level piano then it’s a waste of time practicing on your own. You should only practice in the Albert Hall with 3000 people watching you.

He seems to not grasp (or ignore) that these lads do all the conditioned/game based stuff on top of solo practice with a wall, it’s not either / or.


Duignan made a strange reference to Kelly practising and Daly must have said something similar? Hardly a coincidence and Kev seems very vexed over the whole thing.

I see duignan has snapped on twitter with the greatest gaa account of all time.


GAA people don’t like the idea of their fundraising being compromised. I wouldn’t give money to a club to spend on that type of coaching. It is rife for spoofers.


I’d say the higher up the food train Kev goes the better he’d get on.

He could have the whole thing solved but his issue would be buy in from the players. Your average club hurler just wants to train a bit and play a bit.

To me it’s a gimmick, touch sports like hurling, soccer, basketball are all about ball mastery and the players themselves will figure very quickly whether a lad has it. I can’t have it but each to their own.

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If you done this in most clubs you’d get laughed at or ripped to pieces in the local pub.

It has a place but I’m not sure the club scene is where you’ll get a collective buy in.

In fairness to Kev the club he’s involved with is doing well this year.

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What’s that saying about it being hard for a lad to understand something if his income depends on not understanding it.

Definitely Kev just doesn’t get the supreme importance of touch and striking in and of themselves, independent of who is around you. And that it is transferable to game situations in a very real and tangible way. Anthony Daly’s old maxim that your hurling is 90% of it and everything else is 10% is not too far from the truth.


I think Kev has a definite point about the importance of game based stuff and the decision making and performing skills under pressure it improves but he definitely completely over eggs the worthlessness of ball walls etc. I presume he goes so far one way in part to stir controversy online and make a name for himself too

You obviously weren’t here in the day


Who is this?