Kilkenny GAA thread


Yeah that one was class; I’d say that was his best one. Pure improvisation.

For all he’s gone through a broken hand will hardly finish him

He’ll still play for Danesfort, sure he’s only 34. They won the Intermediate so he’ll want to be back for that.

Thank God for the split season.

The young lads of today wouldn’t even be able to attempt the sort of goal Richie Hogan got against Galway in that pandemic game.

Pure street hurler stuff.

That 2011 goal was iconic too but i still think Paddy Stapleton should have got a flick in. Whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion.

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In fairness he defended the space very well. Didn’t buy Brennans first handpass and forced him to release out to Hogan. Had Richie taken a mili-second longer to do what he did, he was closed down.

Kilkenny are in serious bother

RIP Joe Dunphy. A good Thomastown man with the brains, emotional intelligence and decency to understand his surroundings, and what’s better out there too.

His greatest and most lasting trick was to be a historian for our bigger town. Lots of it documented now thanks to him. My Dad went to school with him and will go to his funeral tomorrow.

The 7 Fennellys informed the Arrigle school more than Joe did. And that’s no disrespect to the man.

@Malarkey will inform the chat more.


There was a good piece done on him by TG4 before the 2022 Club Final. Looked a very fresh man.

Told a good story about Richie Reid in Junior Infants blowing the Junior side of the school (2nd class and under) away in the annual Long Puck after crying initially when he wasnt allowed compete.


Yeah he wasn’t well for a long time.

Again though, the whole Shamrocks excellence and dominance pre-existed before 2002. The Shamrocks were the Shamrocks. Titans prior.

A good man. Knew him a bit. Glad I did.

When did he retire? He didnt look that old?

He’d be 84.

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A good age. A great Kilkenny Gael, RIP.

He fished a bit too.
Well, in his younger days anyway.

DJ remains our greatest.

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In what way was he an “elite gaa coach”? For the life of me I’ve never heard of him, that’s not being funny now.

All Ireland Club is elite.

Referrees are on strike for all club action this weekend.

Proper order. Can’t give into scuts on the sidelines abusing refs.