Kilkenny GAA thread

Molloy is 25 this year. A smashing hurler but way too light to be an intercounty back. Also too much of a ball player. Like D Mullen in ways.

Fogarty is 24 this year I think. A real late bloomer. Had a great year with some great points.

To the best of my knowledge both are called in

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Heary is a victim of his own versatility a bit. Missed out on a few years hurling a bit back going in with the cadets and then a bad injury.

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Fogarty hasn’t the hurling? Looks an excellent ball player to me.

OLG deserve huge credit for keeping their management team in house.With all these gurus/bluffers charging top dollar for coming on board with club teams these days,its refreshing.
More of the same please.


Alot of clubs would keep it in house if they had decent candidates to do it. OLG are lucky to have plenty of them.
Senior players in my club in Dublin told the club they wanted a local to take over for the year last year. No one suitable put their hand up.

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The first requirement is that the manager cant drink in the local pubs. Rules 99% out

Pat Gilroy was on the Joe Brolly podcast last year and made a good point about clubs and their own men managing them.

He said that clubs somehow expected inside men to manage senior teams without giving them the support, courses and so on. Almost as if by accident a county player or talisman became the manager.

I believe clubs need to be proactive in cultivating in house managers and coaches


Spot on.

Keeping Brian Hogan involved now is the issue as coin will be thrown at him to attract him elsewhere.

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If he goes they’ll be alright. A good conveyer belt of managers/coaches behind him.

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Plus we like to keep our money in the club


Are James Stephen’s now 3rd force in Kilkenny City?

They’ve gone downhill since Cody took over.


[quote=“Locke, post:5606, topic:15444, full:true”]
They’ve gone downhill since Cody took over.

Players not buying in?


Funny thing is, had the Burra not shat the cornflakes agin the Shamrocks in the qf last year I doubt anyone would have put any serious money on them taking the Village in the semi.
As it turned out, they did shit the cornflakes and the Shamrocks battered the Village in the semi.

Wherever the 2 traditional city clubs are right now, it’s clear they’re both competing for 2nd seat after the city/country club.

I reckon Fan fights an internal battle on a daily basis over the whole sitch :rofl:


Loughlin’s City/Country club?

They’d have been more country than city when they were founded.
The place grew up around them as the years went by.

They need the Laois lads back to put manners on them

Yes, there’s a still a strong but probably waning country element in OLG, it’s the John’s parish club which includes Dunmore and Johnswell. The catchment borders Conahy, Muckalee and Clara and stretches out to the Dinan Bridge, up as far as Leapstown and out to Clara. Many of the founding members were from Johnswell/Dunmore.
We are country O’Loughlins people


Just listened to the KCLR hurling podcast. Jaysus they’re clueless!!
Eddie scally saying galway had a development team in the Walsh Cup final. Éanna Murphy, g mac, Grealish, Kevin Cooney, Monaghan all played in the all Ireland semi final last year.
You’d think he would do a bit of homework!!