Kilkenny GAA thread

He must not have been around in the 90s. I remember Limerick CBS beating a star studded Flannans team in 1993 with an average enough side. Reminded me of the game last Saturday.

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Have you seen much of young Murray in Thurles. Ive only seen him once. Highly spoken of. The youngest Mullen is supposed to be the real deal also

I haven’t seen him yet.

All the vibes are positive though.

He’s the most overrated player I’ve ever seen.


Both are the real deal.

Murray was one of Thurles CBS best players in the Harty this year as a 15 year old.

What I’m saying is that we should be beating the likes of those clubs. I know we aren’t where we should be, I know for a town our size we should be doing so much better, but we’re not. But as you said, some good young lads coming through. But it needs time.

Drennan is a grand player but is a classic example of people bigging up an underage freetaker based on huge tallies. Ronan Lynch-syndrome.

Drennan is a serious freetaker tbf and well able to take a score but he hasn’t shown anything at underage to say that he’d ever be a DJ or a Richie Power, and it’d be wrong to expect that of him. From what I remember, Timmy Clifford was the mercurial forward of that minor team. I think he had a few issues off-the-field maybe, but is in and around the KK panel and may kick on yet.

I don’t know if this is a cod or what.

KKvCORK EMurphy MButler HLawlor TWalsh DBlanchfield DCorcoran JMolloy CKenny MCarey CHeary JDonnelly AMullen BRyan LHogan ECody Subs DBrennan PMoylan ZBayHammond CDelaney CBuckley PMcDonald KBlanchfield MKeoghan WWalsh HShine BDrennan Team supplied by KGSC in association with UPMC Nowlan Park

He missed a terrible one at the end to win it last Sunday.


Is zBay good enough?

Hogan is a real wild card call.

Looks genuine so.
Thought the brother was codding me.

Ah, anyone can miss a free at some point. I’ve seen the likes of TJ miss frees at times too and he’s generally ice cold. I’d say Drennan’s accuracy is right up there.

Lyng must have tried over 40 lads in games so far this year.

Fierce strong team from KK

:muscle: :honeybee:

Might take a year or two to bed in but he can hurl and has good physical attributes.

He has good pace alright. But not strong enough over the ball. Imagine Kyle giving him a dunt?

As I said, it could take a couple of years to bed in.

He missed a year or two playing other sports, didn’t he?

Yeah but no one would see that, no evidence of Kyle dunting anyone

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We’ll know by the Ides Of March.