Kilkenny GAA thread

Im fairly sure Waterford annexed Ferrybank in the mid 70’s.
That was well after Lockys time as we all know.

A dispute which was tedious on AFR 2 decades ago


The border with KK starts half way across Rice Bridge (a Callan man). Everyone knows this.

No. Never the slightest in question, either way.

I know Christy well. An out and out gentleman.

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Au contraire.

The fact that Pat Henderson went to school in Thurles CBS does not make him a Tipp man.

Would be amazed if this question arose. Until then…

From interviews I’ve heard of him, he seems like a great fella.

Our princess Di.
Can we not let the poor man rest in peace.

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Christy is the finest. His son Maurice is a gentleman as well – and a brilliant photographer.


Did Christy ever tog for the footballers?

Not to my knowledge. But not 100%, same time.

Will ask him.

Is that his son? Jesus yeah, I’ve seen him at a fair few games. Goes to a few club games in Wx as well. Sound fella.

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Wasn’t at game today but 1st half seemed a struggle before they woke up in second half against a youthful offaly. Mullen carrying the team again.
Would like to see drennan play a game where he doesn’t have the free taking as a get out of jail card. Let Cody take em and drennan row his own boat.

I was at it.

Offaly did some lovely hurling in the first half with the wind. Kilkenny hit some terrible wides.

KK obviously got an earful at half time, upped the “intinsity” levels for 10-15 mins, and turned it around easily enough.

Felt sorry for poor McDonald being withdrawn after 25 mins, and the fact that "bring on Wally"was our Plan B was dispiriting.

Mullen was excellent. Blanchfield and Tommy Walsh probably best of rest. Of the non established lads the sub keeper was the most impressive.

Was great to see Offaly go well and hang in there when the tide turned in the second half. Losing Kiely after 25 minutes was a huge blow.


@Malarkey was still in England that time

Enda McEvoy is of the opinion we wont win an All Ireland for the rest of this decade.He was speaking on a local Hurling podcast recently and came out with this.
Basically said we are static at the moment and id agree with him.Hes extremely well spoken and seems to know what he is talking about,I have to say.
Even though I saw him in action one night in Cleeres years ago and thought to myself,hes a right contrary little cunt.He had a problem with people standing in his way as he was trying to head outside,If I remember.He was scattering lads left,right and centre as he made his way through.
Twas like watching 9 pin bowling.


We have some fine players.
We live in hope. You’d never know…

Enda McEvoy is a super journalist. His article in kilkenny yearbook is great reading. Never afraid to take a cut off Cody either (while acknowledging his greatness at the same time).

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If Limerick had been caught in Munster last year, or are caught in Munster this year, I’d give Kilkenny as good a chance as anybody else in actually getting over the line to win it.

Based on most recent big matches between them, there’s no way I’d be backing Galway or Clare to beat Kilkenny in an AI Final.

Limerick have tended to get better when they get to Croke Park in the past few years but it’s not going to last forever and I think Kilkenny are as well-placed as anyone after that. Reid will obviously be a big loss at some point but KK have some top younger players too: Cody, Mullen, Butler all 24 or younger.

We’ve 3 good intercounty standard forwards is all (Cody, Mullen, TJ but for how long).
The rest of the attack are either too young or light or they’re gruellers.
Back options are fine, tis up top we’re fucked.