King Henry of Galway (Part 1) 👑

Not ruling out Ravy Gravy.

But there might be a twist to come.

Davy is by far and away the biggest name in hurling. He transcends the sport.

It would be insanity for the Galway County Board to overlook him for some nobody instead.

Have you a name?

Yes. But I am not making it public, for the moment.

Am merely indicating that Ravy is not a done Galway deal, as some media coverage claims. He might still be announced but this eventuality is far from a foregone conclusion. He knows this situation to be the case. Hence the little tremor of media coverage. If he was truly cute, he would realize this craic makes him look weak.


Gonna be a lot of egg on people’s faces when Mattie Murphy is announced at 8pm anocht.


I’ll be sick.
What’s the worst that can happen?
A bit of legal chicanery over expenses payments or lack thereof would fill out next winter nicely.
Interesting that the county board put a E300000 bounty on an AIF appearance.
That’s 50% more than they made on two sold out ed sheerin gigs allegedly.


The messing that’s going on at County board level is something savage. Jaws and Pateen moving chairs around on a sinking ship with Big Mac firing out free fries for all on board.

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Best of luck to Davy. Unlike Larry O Groman, I couldnt give a rats ass if he takes over Galway, once he is gone from Wexford, all sentimentality or history goes with him. A decent man manager, but has a huge amount of flaws and he stayed in Wexford 2 years too long. 3 years I think is his capacity with any one team before things go to shit.

I will say, that the endless talk on his expenses and money is vastly over exaggerated. Not only did Wexford not lose any sort of money, in spite of a double Covid inflicted year with less home games and gate receipts (arguably less expenses for maintaining the county team also) but the Wexford coffers have actually increased significantly during his tenure.


So they have

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Or touch with a barge pole in the case of McGrath.

Why do you need a big name?

Donoghue wouldn’t have been a big name before he took over would he?

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I didn’t bring big names into it shom

I’ve heard that but thought it was bullshit. His backroom team sounded interesting.

I’d be delighted with shefflin. At least it’d stop some blowhards reckoning they knew as much.
He’d be a brilliant appointment.


Would be some commute

Would be some mileage mate, mileage.
Seriously though, if they trained in bsloe how long would that be timewise of a commute?

2 hours 10 mins according to Google. Assuming he lives in ballyhale

He’s nothing to be at with Grady’s closed


Thats a straight run without traffic I’d imagine. 3 hours minimum