
Missed the Setanta coverage but just settling down for Sunday Sport and they better show it.

I hate that cunt. Did he manage to get his kids in shot during said incident?

They showed it on 6.01 so Iā€™d say they will.

No sign of the kids, itā€™ll be tough for them to realise so young that daddy is a cunt

I joined TFK two years ago today.

Hey guys.

Oooh, Sheedy raised his hands. In fairness, heā€™s an amusing watch on the sideline. I recommend having a gander at him after every Tipp score if youā€™re at a game of theirs this season. Heā€™ll generally be seen screaming and gurning at nobody in particular and, on the occasion, heā€™ll walk past the opposition manager and roar something at him.

Cody will be delighted with that. Sheedy makes a fucking eejit of himself raising hands and pushing a man 15 years his elder and he also gives Kilkenny further motivation to try beat them again.

My 9 year, 20+ match streak of attending Kilkenny matches when they win is at an end. Gutted.
[I was living abroad in 2004 and 2005]

The last Kilkenny loss that I attended was the Galway semi-final in 2001, until today that is.

Traffic outside Thurles was brutal today. We ended up missing the first 20 minutes as did many others.
It also was a bit of a mess getting out of there.

As for the game itself, we were good from 1->7, ok in midfield, but we were very short of options up front.
John Mulhall is a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a vest. He can do some excellent things and then he can do some poor things. Heā€™ll need to have better decision making and better consistency to have any chance of making an impact on starting places come the championship.
We had some very poor wides. Richie Hogan was guilty of a few, as was Mulhall.

All in all, Iā€™m not too worried. Brian Hogan looked like he has regained some of the confidence he lost after his injury last season. JJ is a much bigger asset at half back. Jackie looked comfortable at center back. Canice Hickey and Dalton looked steady.

Taggy really should have scored that goal in the first half. He took the ball in too close to goal and basically hit it off Cummins. Willie Oā€™Dwyer looked short of fitness, putting it nicely.
With Eddie, Gorta, Shefflin, Cha and TJ Reid to come back we should be grand but whether weā€™ll still be in contention for the league by then remains to be seen.

Pikeman and I were 2 rows back from the Tipp mentors for the AI final last year. Sheedy spent more time turning and shaking his fist and patting lads back than he did watching the game. Seems like an awful cunt.

Iā€™d say Cody was laughing away to himself earlier. Itā€™s only March FFS.

He was at the same shit in Pearse Stadium last year. Tipp won a tight game but by Sheedyā€™s celebrating at the end youā€™d swear heā€™d just won the all-Ireland the world cup, the euro millions and got asked out by Megan Fox all at once.
Total gobshite.

Fuck it anyway, I was sure this would be a draw and Iā€™d go top of the FTB competition. Fucking Tipp cunts.

Anyway, that puts a fair bit of pressure on Tipp for the rest of the year now doesnā€™t it? Iā€™m sure Cody will be donning sackcloth and bigging up his underdog credentials for the rest of the year. As Mac so eloquently puts it ā€œIā€™d say Cody was laughing away to himself earlier. Itā€™s only March FFS.ā€

It really is a case of your damned if you doā€¦ , Tipp win and itā€™s only March FFS, they lose and KK have an indian sign over them.
All we were hearing out of KK lads is how they beat Tipp 3 times last year, as if the 2 league meetings had great meaning, yet when Tipp beat them itā€™s only March FFS.

I believe the reference to ā€œits only March FFSā€ was in relation to the Tiobraid Arainn Bainisteoir striking of an fellow inter county manager.

I stand open to correction on that.

They are quickly becoming the cuntish equal of Kerry people when it comes to their favourite sport. Noble people both in general, but when it comes to hurling and football they are the smugest of the smugniest.
[color="#FFFFFF"]Wait for the ā€œIts a bit rich coming from a Corkmanā€ line from the lads now

when you have won fuck all of note over a long period of time, you dont get to call the shots or set the agenda.
welcome to our world.

I wasnā€™t too surprised that Tipp won yesterday (tipped them to win in the FTB comp). Tipp had virtually a full team out, KK still missing the Shamrocks crew and looking like theyā€™re taking things fairly handy this spring. There wasnā€™t that much between them last year so any loss of personnel on either side was likely to swing one wasy or the other. I doubt that Tipp will take too much out of this win other than its always good to beat KK. A win in a league final would be of more significance.

No Glory to be had this early but what a display from the Tipp backs all the same. Padraic Maher is some player.

Tipperary - All Ireland Champions 2010. (tfk exclusive that)

A shove!

Albeit two handed, it remains a lickle shove; ffs Sheedy is well capable of boxing the head off Cody.

Too much respect given to Kiljenny imo. No wonder they think theyā€™re great :wink:

Anyway, does anyone know if Sheedy and Davy are related?

Lovely game alright Tip.

Nicely played and cracker of a goal.

Its dayā€™s like yesterday that has ya looking forward to the summer.


Iā€™d say himself and Canning would be some tussle.
The hurling was poor enough yesterday, both sets of backs on top. KK profligate in front of goal.
Galway next week in Semple should be a good match.