Landlords/Houses/tennants/cunts thread

Not rowing before. Heā€™s been keeping to himself in his room the last few weeks alright but myself and the other 2 thought nothing of it.

I was watching TV Friday night chatting away to the other housemate when he came in first. Slurring his words not making any sense at all. We took no notice of him. Heā€™s like that when heā€™s on the sauce all day.

We kept talking away anyway, and yer man comes in and makes a dart for me. I was sitting down so threw a kick back at him to knock him back. Housemate I was talking to stepped in to hold him back. He just kept shouting abuse for a good 10 minutes and not making any sense. I got my coat and went for a walk to leave the other 2 calm him down some bit.

If he doesnā€™t engage in the next day or 2 iā€™ll be making contact with the landlord. I have the other housemate as a witness who says he wantā€™s him gone also. He says he donā€™t feel safe if in the house if heā€™s gonna be like this when heā€™s drunk. He could take out a knife next etcā€¦

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Is he on harder stuff than the drink?

Donā€™t think so.

Stay safe mate. Iā€™d imagine he has some personal issues ye may not know about but it shouldnā€™t be you or your housemates that suffer the consequences of his anger. If ye know any friends or family of his it might be worthwhile letting them know the situation

Fuck the landlord. Make a complaint to the cops. Heā€™s threatened your life and continues to.

Complain. Make it known.

If it comes down to it and you have to fuck him up the cops have a record of the threat

And dont be afraid to bate your cock off him

@Copper_pipe, itā€™s only fair that we let you know here that this house has an E1 rating. Youā€™ll likely be in a room with no windows


Is he from Galway? Prob just working off a bit of pre-match tension, be grand

You would be doing society a favour stopping him from being a Guard


Did he back the wrong lad in the Romanian tennis match?

Best of luck with everything @Copper_pipe

Has he a background in strength, conditioning and carpentry?


In all seriousness donā€™t stay there. Youā€™d be well able for him but youā€™ll never be at ease there now and you wonā€™t realise it til itā€™s sorted. See will the landlord get rid of him, if not Iā€™d move myself. A few of ye going together to the landlord would be great.

What age is he? Do you know anything of his background? Is he from cork or anywhere you could find out a bit.

No harm suggest to the landlord that heā€™s threatened to damage the house, start fires etc

Biteen badmind when the gloves come off there :hushed:

cc @KinvarasPassion

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Even if the landlord did fuck him out, thatā€™s not to say he might not be waiting around the corner in the shadows some night.
My advice, if you can avoid house shares and get a place on your own then go for it. I house shared for years and itā€™s only a cunt and hassle

Well what can he do so the witness protection programme?

Unless your man is a complete header, or unless copper pipe has seriously wronged him, heā€™ll forget about it the minute heā€™s gone and in elsewhere. But a stern word from the guards doesnā€™t hurt here.

Well thatā€™s the point, he does sound like a complete header with some serious mental issues

Heā€™s stealing him for body heat.

Does he have hes own milk/drink in the fridge that no one else uses? A few drops of laxatives will give him a fun week and no one will be none the wiser

Hide some old kippers under heā€™s bed

Say hello to @mikehunt when youā€™re putting them there


Superintendent material