Landlords/Houses/tennants/cunts thread

And an old fireplaceā€¦

With regard to the housemate, you need to get in his head, fuck his shit up.

Get yourself a hooded robe and have the Rocky tunes blaring around the house, as you pace up and down the hallway. Put a jug of raw eggs down the hatch and make sure he sees you do it and if you catch him looking at you, give him the eye of the tiger.

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Are you from Tipperary? Mrs J had a mate from Tipperary who actually did this.

Thank fuck Iā€™m not. Fuck tipp. Miss bushes worked with a women who did this to her husband who was beating her for years. Thankfully they are divorced

  1. He shouldnā€™t be let near the garda.
  2. Either he goes or you do. You cannot share your home with a lunatic.
  3. Theres a room for you here for as long as you want. You can teach me all things electronic to make my home life more pleasant in exchange.
    Keep her lit mate.

Iā€™m assuming @Copper_pipe means he has, or is going for a job that requires Garda vetting clearance rather than the actual police


Theres an awful lot to be said about being 35 and having your own house.

Weā€™ve all been there at 24/25 @Copper_pipe , id personally move on somewhere else in that situation lifes too short.

I lived in three places in Cark over 12 months around the same age as you.

Sounds to me like he shouldnā€™t be doing a job that needs garda vetting either, albeit Iā€™m not sure what jobs do.

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Between the ages of 23 and 34 I moved house 14 times.


Used you go mad after whiskey and threaten to kill your housemates?


Heā€™s from Galway mate. He left giant paper mache horses heads in his flatmatesā€™ beds to threaten them.


Seems like heā€™s gone and not a word said to the rest of us.

Good riddance to the fucker.

His room is empty.



Thatā€™s great, always good to see the back of someone like that without hassle to force them out.

He probably slunk off out of shame, he likely knows he crossed a line and is not big enough to apologise and leave on good terms.

Did he pay into yeā€™re deposit when taking out the lease, or is it individual room rental direct from the landlord?

Did he leave the key behind ? Change the locks

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Only seeing all this nowā€¦ @Copper_pipe, Iā€™d have been over in a flash if you called bro. Does he still have a key? Change the lock


Have a half hurl left inside the door in case that lad returns @Copper_pipe

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Individual room rental from the landlord.

I only copped it when I went to empty the dustbin into the bin out the back and I could see that the room was empty(Curtains were open). I could hear him with tape this morning but thought nothing of it.

Be interesting to see if he said anything to the landlord and whether sheā€™ll say anything to us.

Iā€™d get onto herā€¦ If he didnā€™t leave a key he could be backā€¦ heā€™s still paid up for December so can come and go

Oh heā€™ll be back , that I can pretty much dam well guarantee.