Landlords/Houses/tennants/cunts thread

Not sure anybody cares. 2km stay at home rules were enforced fairly readily too.

Same lads criticising them here want them to bust up anti-lockdown protests. Left wing protests are good. Right wing protests are bad.

That’s the way it’s gone these days. Lads want protests policed differently depending on their ideology.


Lads calling the Gardai ‘cops’ always struck me as bizarre behaviour.


No surprise when they have been fed a diet of CNN calling burning and looting “peaceful protest”.


Far from terrible tho “doofus” yeah? Or would that be subjective?

You got there in the end. Save your 12 year old “doofus” claptrap for the skate park you gomey

This doesn’t look peaceful. Trying to knock lads off ladders.

They were squatting in the building but had setup a community centre of some sorts, so it’s not an eviction it’s a case of trespassing, so the guards are obliged to uphold the law.

No winners in that scenario. Especially not the cop who got the chair down on top of the head. I’m sure the community centre was useful and needed, but I’m also sure there were legal ways to setup and spaces available if they went down the right avenues.

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In future the guards should only implement laws that twitter deems a ‘good look’

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Hopefully that lad has better sources this time than his scoop on Varadkar’s private plane.

Never forget what you are.

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You realise that was posted in jest right?

Ouch. Let that sink in

Tony Holohan and Stephen Donnelly would find this amusing

never forget

That ones gonna stay with you I reckon.

Try shake it off

the “I was joking” defense is a pure sign of a beaten docket.

It’s nice to hold up a mirror to an absolute cunt every now and again

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But it was a joke, it’s plain to see. It’s in the context of the post.

Come on now. Just get up off the canvas and move on.

bizarre behavior

You musta been giddy when you found that post. Ah listen, I’m sorry for ruining your day.

you’re absolutely fuming. Brilliant