Laochra Gael - Back, and to the left hand on top

He’s right handed, left hand on top and striking off his right, in the frees.

That picture shows how awkward it is for a cack hander to strike off the other side

He hurls with an orthodox left handed grip.

Sure I hurled with an orthodox left handed grip too but i was right handed. I couldn’t hit it off my left to save my life

This egomaniac could ruin even the most interesting debate.

Apologies in advance to anyone I offend, save the moron himself, but I am not having it.

What are you taking about? You literally just mistook one end of a hurley for another.

Projection much? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

You are mentally ill, you autistic cunt.

This craic is the final proof. Four legs good…

Now fuck off.

I was enjoying that.

I was talking to a few lads in The Ragg one night; they said that when Paudie Butler was prinicpal of Inch NS he used to have a hurley with a string and wrist strap tied to the handle. Anybody holding the hurley in the ‘wrong’ hand had to practice with this hurley in their dominant hand to ‘cure’ themselves of the affliction.


I doubt you’ve ever even held a hurley, mate.

My auld fella is wired all wrong. Right handed for writing. Would use a hammer left handed, hurled lhot and struck off his right, left footed and plays golf left handed clubs

This clown thinks by juggling the term ‘orthodox’ he can make himself ‘correct’ about JD. I infer he ‘thinks’ because JD is not a grip changer he is an ‘orthodox’ left hander. He is so dim and so crazed by egomania that he would spool this risible shite for hours.

‘You say ‘orthodox’. I say ‘orthodox’ back. I am smart.’

The syllogism of the toxic mentally ill egomaniac. Not everyone so afflicted is to be pitied – especially when said individual has no capacity for and no inclination towards empathy.

Fuck off, you toxic cunt.

Never held a hurley, no. Held plenty of hurls.

Fuck off to your imaginary friends, Sadney.


I also found out when I went for an eye test that I’m a bit of a peculiarity, I’m left eye dominant but right sided, which is apparently unusual

Incorrect. Kirby was both cack handed and a grip changer.

And he had only 9 fingers, which is a distinct disadvantage when playing against 11 fingered Tipperary lads

There’s no need to be so annoyed just because somebody knows more than you about the topic you’re claiming to be an expert on, but so plainly aren’t.

Getting your definitions of top and bottom in order would be a good start for you in terms of learning more about it.

Jaysus lads give it a rest.

Lads shouldn’t pick fights they can’t finish.

Wriggle away, you stupid cunt. You have not got a clue.

Only vertiginous egomania plus a drivel obsession could make someone humiliate himself in this fashion.

And you are glossing your political ‘views’ ever so neatly.

Now fuck off, Sadney, into your own poisonous ignorance. There must be new death statistics to exult over.

You are finished here. Now fuck off.