Laois GAA- bunch of hicks turning on eachother

Nothing you could repeat anyway.

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The engineer has to go through them first

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Lack of funds in Clare GAA alright. Come here, how much was spent on ye’re Centre of Excellence tell me?

It’s in great nick according to the football manager. The same football manager doesn’t have to chase down the executive to get gear for his players like his hurling counterpart for some reason or have to wear his own clothes on the sideline earlier in the year as the board would not provide the backroom team with tracksuits.

Now I’m not one for idle chat or rumours, but it is alleged that a number of TV and audio visual equipment was removed from Caherlohan shortly it was decided to move on from the senior hurling manager at the time and has never been replaced. But I’m sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this.


He who cleans house expects visitor.

Parkinson is a weasel

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Eddie is the one laughing here.

The auld lad was talking to some Laois woman in Department of Agriculture today (wants to make sure if he sells the remaining bullocks next week, he’s still eligible for some grant). Anyway, yer wan was firmly on Team Eddie.

I was speaking to a man in Clough who is also firmly Team Eddie

Eddie full of auld guff. Smart talk. Hand in your badge and your gun. You’re OFF THE CASE BRENNAN!


Woolly has an apology to Eddie Brennan and the Laois County Board as the first item on today’s podcast.

Mighty sound gesture

It takes a big man to apologise, would expect nothing less from Wolly.

I think everyone needs to move on now.

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Is he going to apologise to the poor sound engineer cunt he threw under the bus

That’s just gonna have to be sorted out between the sound engineer and himself

Hopefully the writer is overstating things

Ah John would be a bit excitable. It’s a weekly he prints from his kitchen