Laois GAA- bunch of hicks turning on eachother

Aye, demand was overwhelming them and they said they’d go out at the top. I really spit though. Was on course for the Michelin.

Was it a finger food joint or proper tapas

Pure mule is what it was

Great call @balbec . Damian Hayes was back on today.

And yet still better than Larkin

He was so he was, said “so he was” a lot, so he did.

I couldn’t finish it. So I couldn’t

“No throws in hurling, just fast hand passes” so there isn’t

Ape, so he is.

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Laois GAA should thanking Wolly for bringing this to a head.

He’s always a few steps ahead

He explained how to take a sideline cut as well. It was very informative so it was.

I didn’t get that far so I didn’t

Eddie Brennan gone.

His only crime, he dared to dream.

Fucks sake. Drafting a fucking letter of apology for Brennan to sign. Not enough for him to apologise in person. I feel for Tommy Fitz more than any of them. A gentleman.

This will go down as the most fateful podcast in the history of Laois GAA.

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They wanted him to sign a letter of apology??

If thats true, its coming from one man.

Saying that, Brennan wanted out. I’ve been saying it on here for weeks, months even. He’s been fuming for a while now, and in ways I cant blame him. However, I believe he wasn’t left wanting for much, and in general, while the boys in control kept the purse strings tight, most requests were met nonetheless. The frustrations were with not driving the thing last year when things were on a high, they didnt go out and raise one euro on the back of a “relatively” successful year. This sowed the seeds. The fuckology of the Camross lads not committing didnt help, nor did the conditioning of one or two of the panel.

Tommy Fitz is a gent and never failed Laois on or off the field.

But lads shouldnt kid themselves, Laois was a stepping stone for Eddie, and good luck to him. He did great work, he’ll oust Mattie any day and it’ll be interesting what he’ll achieve in Dublin.

But the next appointment is up now. We’re in better shape than we have been in decades for it. Get it right.


Who would you see as the frontrunners for it?

I’m terrified truth be told. We’re a magnet for journeymen, Kelly and McCarthy two of the worst I’ve seen. Brennan was an outside of the box choice in a way, but he had great men around him in Corcoran and Fitz. Derek McGrath is in the system, but you’d wonder what his star is like currently. There’s no one internal putting their hand up either, which is typical of Laois.

Diarmuid Mullins might be an interesting call.

Don’t doubt one word of that. The fucking idiocy of them though giving him the out. And I’m far from a CB basher.

Eddie will do what’s best for Eddie. That Dublin job looks tasty enough but plenty of pressure to produce there. A Joe McDonagh Cup and an odd decent performance won’t cut the mustard with AIG plc.

I’d like Herity. But he will probably stay with Kildare out of loyalty.