Laois GAA- bunch of hicks turning on eachother

Timing might not be the best, didn’t he just take over as Principal of Crescent Comprehensive? Jaysus that’d be some headache at the moment with the Covid.

I’d expect him to strongly be in the running to take over the Limerick 20s next time it comes up (it could be u19s by then, who knows)

Tom Brennan down in Ballacolla will sort it

Costs of running inter county teams are going to reduce considerably from next year. The old season ran from Nov to September. The new split season will be January to July.

What will Dublin do with all that excess cash?

2022 it’s coming in, no? Although with the virus it might be in in practice a year early I spose

Next year I believe. New season will start in February. Short enough window for the Dubs to get the cup around the schools but we will manage. Everyone has to make sacrifices.

Dublin branded earplugs for the whole county so we don’t have to listen to cunts like you whingeing.:wink:



Galway will be under pressure with Liam, that’s a big geographical spread to get the cup around to.

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I think they’ll end up swapping it and having club first for next year so they can get maximum chance of crowds

Gonna have to be a quick jaunt to the Carribbean and New York for Lim€rick before the preseason

It has already been decided. I/C first

I know it has, but I think it will be undecided

That would make more sense. I’d say they are afraid of club championship celebrations in may/ June though.

By then we should have the vulnerable vaccinated and it’ll be up to people to make their own minds up

Auld fellas need to stay away from drinking jagerbombs out of cups

I stand open, as usual to correction, but I don’t think kk spend anywhere near that.
Nor do Galway, though I’m aware that some petty snipe will say they aren’t elite.

Kilkenny are a bit of a freak though. Cody roaring at them is worth €400k a year in S&C training

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Oh they spend it alright. You just dont see it. Which is the way it should be with the big benefactors.