Laois GAA- bunch of hicks turning on eachother

The senior football started over the weekend. Dire stuff. Port’s to lose basically.
The only teams out of the first round losers that could take anything out of it would be Clonaslee and Park. Saw Billy Sheehan in there Saturday - I’d say he was thrilled with the quality.

What happened Killeshin?

Clonaslee are a very young team, they’ve a lot to be positive about. Park have a bit to do.

Port look fearsome.

I wont mention the programme situation, some clubs badly shamed themselves.

I must be 7 or 8 years now hearing about all the good work at underage hurling in Rathleague. All the former greats digging in. The harvest is not good.

I actually didn’t see a programme. Was it bad?

They can do all the good work they like, if they don’t keep the numbers coming through the ranks, they will lose the lads who go off to other sports, and be left with little or nothing.

Fuck it, I musta thrown it out, was gonna post a picture. Portlaoise had to submit a print out, theirs was so bad. Graigue appear to have made a mistake and sent in their Junior team, not one of the county players were named in it and not one player lined out in the jersey assigned. Shambolic, or an attempt to hoodwink, either way, it was embarrassing.

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That bottom picture is from Longford not Laois - Niall Sheridan the ex county man I think.

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No way?:blush:I just had to post
He a county many?
Must have been last century

Top boys some animal

That top picture is from a Wicklow club hurling game I’m fairly sure.

He was on the Longford team as recently as 2004/05 I think.

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He’s a garda too and very litigious about where that picture is posted up, I’d be worried if I was @Corksfinedtboy

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:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:oh dear

Shitting I am - honestly
My boy blue
He’s getting his moneys worth ref uniform allowance
On a serious note if he’s a serving lawman
In that state of gross obesity both him and his employer need a kicking
Disgraceful cut of a man

Not a uniform in the land to fit that banbh
( banbh said in jest I’ve no gripe ref most lawmen- only the corrupt cunts I’ve any issues with)

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Nearly every single article on Laois Today gone behind a paywall😅

Just the sports

Trumera supporters letting the side down badly I hear recently against Abbeyleix. Disappointing stuff in this day and age.

Some flaking done in Ballypickas and Borris as well. Nice video doing the rounds

Ballypickas -LOL!