League of Ireland 2021 - The Greatest Basket Case League In The World

Incorrect, some limerick scumbags attacked some rovers fans and got a pasting

Happy enough for you guys to think otherwise if it makes you feel good about yourselves. It’s a bit twee but each to their own

you’re on giving it big licks about fans attacking pubs but won’t acknowledge when your own did it and got a battering off a few old lads.

What pub did the Rovers fans go into giving it big licks?

the steering wheel mate

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Nope, I’m saying I’m happy for you to go with an incorrect narrative if it makes you feel better but my point in regards to @Corksfinedtboy rewriting cork fans attacking a pats pub out of history

you probably weren’t following Rovers at the time mate. It happened. Exactly as described.


As I said I’m happy for you to with that narrative

because it’s the truth. you can add that to your list of fans attacking pubs their

yeah, it didn’t go well for them, at all, at all. Not the best decision that was ever made

I was up around Roxboro doing a few bits and pieces one day, Carew Park were playing in a Lawson cup final the same day, I got caught short for a piss and nipped in to the Wheel, the Uncle drank in there so I’d have no bother…

the place was empty, all the tables and chairs were moved out and there was a goat painted yellow and blue wandering around free range in the bar :smiley:

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Ok mate


You’d expect Bohs might make a late push up the table here condoning their antics at the IH yesterday

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It’s just not right

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But its ok


Not in my book but then again we’ve all different standards

No place in any sport or gathering of sports enthusiasts for this thuggery

I’m gonna make it anyway