Legalization of things

Here’s a relevant article in today’s IT. God bless America.

a bit of housekeeping mate- we don t use links on this forum- copy and paste in future

Fitzy, TASE or Kib Man - was it WA where you could grow up to 2 or 3 cannabis plants for personal use up till a few years ago? Any idea why it was changed?

productivity went down
obesity went up
there was a general air of lethargy about the place

Gotcha. Here you go.

A Republican US senate candidate has said pregnancy caused by rape is something “God intended” and not a situation that justifies an abortion.
Indiana candidate Richard Mourdock’s comment came in response to a question toward the end of a debate last night with his opponents, Democrat Joe Donnelly and Libertarian Andrew Horning. It comes amid a tight race and less than two weeks before the election.
“I’ve struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God,” said Mourdock,.
“And, I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”
Mr Mourdock, described his position on abortion as believing that “life begins at conception,”.
Mr Mourdock (61), has the endorsement of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. However a Romney spokeswoman said the presidential nominee “disagrees with Richard Mourdock’s comments, and they do not reflect his views”.

Mr Mourdock made his remark two months after Missouri Senate Republican candidate Todd Akin said that “legitimate rape” rarely leads to pregnancy.
Mr Akin later apologised while rejecting calls from fellow Republicans to withdraw from the Missouri race.
The Indiana contest is among the most closely watched in the US Senate, along with races in Massachusetts, Missouri and Virginia.
Republicans must hold all five of their competitive seats in the November 6th election and pick up four seats to win control of the Senate.
A Tea Party favourite, Mr Mourdock, defeated six-term Republican incumbent Richard Lugar by 20 percentage points in a May primary with an anti-tax, anti-Washington message.
During last night’s debate in New Albany, Indiana, Mr Mourdock said he knows that some people disagree with his abortion stance and that he respects their point of view.
“The only exception I have to have an abortion is in that case of the life of the mother,” he said.
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat and chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, assailed Mr Mourdock’s remark. “Richard Mourdock’s rape comments are outrageous and demeaning to women,” she said.
“Unfortunately, they’ve become part and parcel of the modern Republican party’s platform toward women’s health.”

sorry mate

as an fyi, your anecdotes about nimbin need to stop. it is an absolute dump of a tiny village in the middle of nowhere. it aint the flowers in your hair mecca you are painting it out to be

This is you isn’t it?

You left out that most of its inhabitants usually struggle to string a sentence together cos their brains are so warped

Copy and paste is illegal mate.

fair enough- let me sort this out

[font=tahoma][size=3]a bit of housekeeping mate- we use links on this forum-[/size][/font]


  • Cannabis - 100% No.
  • Other drugs - Another definitive No.
  • Prostitution - That’s a definite No.
  • Abortion - In certain cases Yes, but it’s tough to determine what is ‘justified’ it’s just such a tough topic.
  • Gay marriage - Yes
  • Adoption by gay couples - No.
  • Euthanasia - 100% Yes, you put down an animal if it’s in severe pain, it should be the same for humans.
  • Other topics that I can’t think of - Bring back the death penalty, this whole “2nd chance in life” shite that is bandied about wrecks my head. People don’t change.

I don’t wear a trilby mate, I’m a flat cap working class man.

What is your thinking behind no to any of those?

With prossies, over here they complete tax returns etc. They also provide a valuable service to disabled and old people. There is a brothel across the road from where I work and you would regularly see lads in wheelchairs being wheeled in there by their home helps. Legalizing and regulating it gives the prossies more protection from criminal elements and also has ensured many of the Irish living the dream brigade have lost their virginity.

Gay couples can marry but not adopt? That is a bit bizarre

People are going to do drugs regardless. Might aswell give them good drugs and tax it appropriately

The Guildford 4 would have been hung if the death penalty was still in force. Always the chance the courts get it wrong

They are inbred anyway. Best off that they remain permanently stoned so as to distract them from the futility of living in such a place. Bit like Enniscorthy in that respect I imagine?

And the Birmingham Six.

The death penalty is the sign of a failed society.

TTK is as thick as a plank.

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 721450”]

Gotcha. Here you go.

A Republican US senate candidate has said pregnancy caused by rape is something “God intended” and not a situation that justifies an abortion.
Indiana candidate Richard Mourdock’s comment came in response to a question toward the end of a debate last night with his opponents, Democrat Joe Donnelly and Libertarian Andrew Horning. It comes amid a tight race and less than two weeks before the election.
“I’ve struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God,” said Mourdock,.
“And, I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”
Mr Mourdock, described his position on abortion as believing that “life begins at conception,”.
Mr Mourdock (61), has the endorsement of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. However a Romney spokeswoman said the presidential nominee “disagrees with Richard Mourdock’s comments, and they do not reflect his views”.

Mr Mourdock made his remark two months after Missouri Senate Republican candidate Todd Akin said that “legitimate rape” rarely leads to pregnancy.
Mr Akin later apologised while rejecting calls from fellow Republicans to withdraw from the Missouri race.
The Indiana contest is among the most closely watched in the US Senate, along with races in Massachusetts, Missouri and Virginia.
Republicans must hold all five of their competitive seats in the November 6th election and pick up four seats to win control of the Senate.
A Tea Party favourite, Mr Mourdock, defeated six-term Republican incumbent Richard Lugar by 20 percentage points in a May primary with an anti-tax, anti-Washington message.
During last night’s debate in New Albany, Indiana, Mr Mourdock said he knows that some people disagree with his abortion stance and that he respects their point of view.
“The only exception I have to have an abortion is in that case of the life of the mother,” he said.
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat and chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, assailed Mr Mourdock’s remark. “Richard Mourdock’s rape comments are outrageous and demeaning to women,” she said.
“Unfortunately, they’ve become part and parcel of the modern Republican party’s platform toward women’s health.”

Just a bit of house keeping here mate, around here you are expected to highlight the particularly relevant parts of an article in bold, as most of us are professionals and don’t have time to read through long articles.

Not withstanding runts note.

No to cannabis because it’s already become an epidemic in this country, young lads walking around like zombies, at nothing, messing up their heads. It’s farcical really, lads saying “ah sure it does no harm, 'tis better than fags” Fuck off, just because it’s better than something which is absolutely atrocious for your health doesn’t make it acceptable. This country has enough dullards already, we don’t need more. Also leagalising it would bring a ridiculous amount of trouble to this nation, just try and picture it there.

Harder drugs is a no brainer. Just read the bit in bold there that you wrote, FFS :rolleyes:

Prostitution is wrong on so many levels. The women that end up working as prostitutes are all vulnerable and doing so out of desperation to feed other habbits. It’s fucking wrong to pay for sex, horrible mentally fucked up twats thinking they’re great because they gave some dodgy prostitute without any feeling a good smashing for €100. Then you have women being trafficked from poorer parts of the world and women under the age of consent being sent to work as prostitutes. It’s one of the most fucked up things in society.

Gays are gays, yeah fair enough you’re a bender I get it. There’s no need for parades etc celebrating the fact that you take cock up the arse. If they want to get married, great, fantastic, have a good time and bring money to local hotels bars etc. The pink pound is a huge money maker. However having kids with two fathers and no mother is wrong in my opinion. Maybe it’s an old-style view but children need both parents throughout life, two fathers is not acceptable to me.

Why have a load of mentally ill and fucked up people costing €100k+ to keep locked up for a year not just be killed? If I was convicted in the wrong, I’d rather be dead than spend years in prison for something I didn’t too. A lot of those sick fucks need to be put out of their own misery.