Legalization of things

There’s a place I’ve heard of called Saudi Arabia, TTK. You might be very happy there.

I’ll just pick one thing from the above. Prostitution. I’ve known prostitutes and they were very happy. Making a lot of money, and once they built up a list of trustworthy and nice clients, completely content.
I am Facebook friends with a prostitute I rode in Spain a few years ago. She’s great.
Your view on the matter is so simplistic, it’s laughable.
Trafficked girls doing it against their will is wrong and seems to be reasonably prevalent. Legalisation and regulation would end this. Sounds like a good thing to me.
I could on and on about this as it’s something I feel strongly about.

I wonder which is worse? :strokechin:

This kind of terrible carry on,

Or this normal carry on?


On a serious note though Thraw, and obviously I don’t know you as a person, just the internet Thrawneen, but I know a few serial users of prostitutes and they are basically social outcasts, complete creeps. How the fuck do you know that these women are happy? Get out of here. Nobody is happy taking pipe from a fat 60+ year old just to make a few pound. Do you really think a prostitute you know is going to tell you how gut wrentching her ‘job’ is, no she wants you to come back and pay or spread word of mouth if you’re not a customer. It’s sick and twisted to suggest prostitutes enjoy their job.

Again i find myself questioning your remark… :strokechin:

I’m not a regular user of prostitutes, TTK. I used one in Ireland one time. That’s the lot. But it’s a topic that interests me, as a sexual liberal. Go to the forum part of escort ireland and read some of the interviews on there. Might open your eyes. Several of the women actively engage with the forum. They do it as a job. Getting dicked by a fat 60 year old for €250 per hour sounds about as good as me working my bollox off for a dickhead boss for a fraction of that, to be honest.
How would you class porn stars, by the way? They do the same thing, though for slightly more money but on camera for posterity for all time. And most of them love it.
Many happy sex workers exist. Many respectful and happy clients exist. You seek to criminalise them. Shame on you.

Of course they’re going to say they love taking dick from random punters on a forum for the site which they are effectively employed by. They’re hardly going to say that their life is a misery on the website where they advertise their services. Don’t be so naive Thraw.

Porn stars are very different to prostitutes Thraw.First of all they have completely different working conditions and don’t just take cock from some random outcast from society, you simply cannot compare the two. Prostitution should be illegal everywhere. If you can’t go out and get your bit it’s probably for a reason, nobody should pay a female for sex, it’s fucked up. Just my view of course.

Must get some weed . This topic has whetted my appetite

So widowers, bachelors in rural areas, disabled people etc should just never have sex?
I can see you know very very little about this area. I’d suggest having a look at America’s favourite sex columnist Dan Savage and his views on the matter of sex workers. Plenty of times sex workers are consulted by him also.
Go to escort ireland. Go to the forum and make an appointment with a girl who engages with the board. Go sit down with her and have a chat. Then come back to me. A lot of these girls travel the world, make a lot of money and are living it up. Your view is so simplistic and ignorant, it’s not even funny.

:o :o :o :o

I don’t understand how somebody can be for gay marriage and against gay adoption. Getting married gives a couple a right to adopt, so if you are against gay adoption, you are by definition against gay people being allowed to marry. Separated married people also have the right to adopt as have widows and widowers, which defeats the oft-quoted reasoning that an adopted child’s foster parent/s must be a mother and a father,

I’m pro gay marriage as long as they don’t have the right to adopt

This is the kind of thing TTK likes to see. :rolleyes:
That whore should have been tested in a system where her livelihood was regulated. Good business for the STI clinics of the North west, not so much fun for the lads who’d been to see her.

Of course they should have sex, just not have to pay for it with a prostitute. You’re calling my view ignorant, fair enough, but you’re completely ignorant in my view. As far as your concerned everybody in the illegal sex trade is loving life, flying to Dubai to buy pearls. FFS Thraw they don’t even make a wage. They get a fraction, if even, of what they take in. You’ve a lot of growing up to do, most of these women are victims and not happily employed. I’ve never been to a prostitute as I always had a similar view, when mates of mine are looking for brazzers I never accompany them, it’s embarrassing and completely wrong.

Yes it is, they deserve no less for exploiting a vulnerable female of the species. Sick cunts.

You either agree with full equality or you don’t. What you want gay people to be allowed to have is some sort of lesser version of marriage, with less rights. That’s not the way it works. It’s either marriage or it isn’t. In other words, you’re pro-civil partnerships for gay people but against marriage.

A huge amount of them are independent. I’ve already spoken of my disgust of the trafficking trade.
From what I can see, most of these women are NOT victims. You don’t know women. Do you know that a lot of porn stars, famous ones, work as escorts too? For example, Sarah Twain can be yours for 3 hours for €500 in Prague. Sex can be a business. To make the whole thing illegal is just the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.
And, those poor unfortunates not able-bodied or skilled enough to get a woman for free…there’s an interview on escort ireland with an escort from Scotland who speaks eloquently and very well on the subject and feels it’s very important that they have an outlet to have sex.
I’d hate to be your missus, you narrow minded prude.

Seriously Thraw, read that again, you are genuinely deluded.

So, God forbid, TTK, you have an accident today and end up in a wheelchair. You have pretty much no chance of getting yourself a woman. You should just forget about sex? One of our most primal urges? But there’s nice women out there who will help you for a relatively small some of money? And that’s wrong?

Just rolling up a fat blunt now-it calms me greatly after a night out coked off my tits bashing gays and riding hookers.

There is a lot wrong with that! Touch wood that I don’t end up in a wheelchair but if I did and my wife left me, I would not burden my disabled self on a vulnerbale woman that has been trafficked into the country. Instead I would go to social outlets where I could meet a new woman that would consent to sex without payment, if I never find one of those then fine, I’ll whack myself off for the rest of my days.