Leinster Hurling Championship 2024

Fanning was excellent today apart from the ridiculous puck out to Liam Ryan in the second half.

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I didn’t see it, and I am not implying any mal intent. Just the picture from Cyril and the boys on the radio didnt paint a pretty picture

It was a stonewall Red end of

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Twas a desperate challenge and a definite red

He must have some paw on him!

Fair play to him. I didn’t mean he would want the players to lose. Just that he got slaughtered in the local press, while rossiter oversaw beaten by antrim last week.

He probably picked up the balls his auld lad dropped


Jaysus Galway were putrid today but they will still make the Leinster final. Will beat Antrim and then Dublin are at home for them.


No wonder county boards are broke

It was awful. How do you begin to come back from that?

All very well but when the history of the 2024 hurling championship is written neither Wexford or Galway will either command or deserve a mention.

As bad as galway were, wexford were really at it today. First to breaking balls, using possession well, showing way more desire and heart than galway. Damien reck was much improved on last week as was Hearne.
Chin absolutely brilliant again, Rory Ăł Connor should be putting out those performances more regularly with his ability.

This teams done. Are they gonna just keep bringing on Jason Flynn in 2026 hoping he does something. They’ve been at the top table for a long time now. They’re worn out. Joseph Cooney who still did a bit yesterday didn’t want to come back, they begged him too. Johnny Glynn was going well in club last year and probably wanted to give it one last lash can’t fault that. But the mileage is too high overall. And there’s no farm system, they haven’t been developing players. I get it they were closer to limerick two years ago than anyone has been in a long time but that was a once off, and crucially David Burke was still able to contribute. They’ve never come near replacing him. Failing to beat inferior Kilkenny teams was enough evidence the hunger wasn’t really there. We’re not going to get relegated, we are a strong hurling county but we are going to pay for poor u20 sides and many lost in the wash. At some stage we just have to realise the 2017 team owes us nothing and let’s rebuild, which will be painful. But an outside manager has no interest in that nor should they.

It’s easy looking in, i gather from inside the panel they were hugely optimistic. I guess you have to toe that line as part of a panel at that level but reality needs to accepted. The draw against kk was the worst possible result, delusion into thinking we were bad but not that bad. We are basically the opposite of Kilkenny. We occasionally show up. I’d suggest Caroline Currid is needed but blooding a new panel is needed first.


Galway were really bad yesterday. But at the same time its hard to know if they just ran into that once yearly Wexford buzzsaw of a performance. Wexford Park is a hard place to go and the KK game a week earlier would have been one that would have been earmarked. However they werent that good last week either with plenty of causes for concern. Balance of the team looks all wrong.

Fair play to Wexford. Their lynchpins made all the difference but there appears to be nucleus of a good supporting cast there too. Byrne was lively up to the dismissal. Conor Aherne midfield too is a good physical hurler.

Like last week the fixtures are falling nice for Wexford and a Leinster final berth by beating KK on last day may be on the table should KK account for Dublin and Carlow as you’d reasonably expect.

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How did this fella go?

There’s only one thing wrong with Galway. Their manager

He’s done. Heading to Laois next. Kilkenny will never have him.

What style do the Galway 20s play? Do they try to give any sort of good service to their forwards?

As @Glentaisie alluded to, Galway are probably still favourites to join Kilkenny in the Leinster Final. But it’s good for the competition to have 5 teams taking points off each other & hopefully Antrim &/or Dublin will upset the apple & rhubarb tart a bit more in the remaining fixtures.

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