Leo Varadkar

I’d say Leo used have to have a quick look in the door of any pub or restaurant before going in to make sure your man wasn’t inside.


I met Leo at the match :joy::joy:

The article reads like a Paddy Cosgrove tweet.
It’s weak enough now. Nobody really cares.

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It does read like a bunch of posh boys having a hissy fit


He met him and Simon Harris after the match.

A rugby football match I might add.

That should be enough to hang them on its own. :slight_smile:

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Is he gone yet?

That seems weak enough to me to be honest.

The only thing it kinda does show is that yer man MOT is a bit more than a casual acquaintance of Leo. If this is the case then Leo lied last week in the Dail.

Biden , vaccine and Kerry getting bate have further helped bury this to insignificance .

The plot thins


@bandage cleaning house :clap:


The Village really do have a good sense on how to bury their “scoops” alright :joy: :joy:

I also like how they described it as “a statement from Village” - good to see they are dropping any pretence about being anything other then a medium for a political hit.

The Village ain’t helping anymore. FFG and Green tds will vote that it’s ok to leak a cabinet document. That’s the real story, none of this distraction rubbish

None of those three parties want an election . Here is the nub - neither do the party tabling the motion .

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I know that. If I was a shinner I’d want varadkar in situ for as long as possible. He’s damaged goods and the defense of him makes others in FFG lose credibility by the day.
The removal of a minister should not bring down a government though. Calleary and Cowan have already been removed from cabinet. Leo should be removed and the govt continue

The narcissist won’t allow it and Martin would push his granny down the stairs to maintain power.

The others (Pascal, Harris) are denying those meetings took place and diary entries prove this.
Is their a chance MaitiĂș Ó Tuathail is a bit of a fantasist.

Fair play to you for typing out “MaitiĂș Ó Tuathail”. Some attention to detail

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