Leo Varadkar

Do you think LV will be Taoiseach in 2 years ???

It sounds very much like Dr Zero Craic is a bit of a spoofer who was exaggerating the amount of contact he had with Leo, Pascal and Harris.

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He’d fit in well on here.

He was so focussed on that he spelled “there” “their”.


This Paddy chap seems like an awful godhelpus

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Chay Bowes and Dr Craic discredited completely. Party planner Paddy will be seething

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Leo’s Mrs has tweeted now to confirm he was indeed in a pub with the 2 boys but Leo wasn’t there as he was in Brussels that day. Village is after shooting its bolt here

This thread is a massacre, Fulvio is like Anders Breivik.

A screenshot is evidence, it’s just a type of evidence that could be quite easily faked. If Village Magazine used fake evidence Leo could sue them, even if their central argument was correct.


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Drain the bogs

Sure let’s sue a magazine with no assets and that nobody reads.

it has a nice double property on ormonde quay

Is that not Smiths house?

The Village should have left it as it was after the first article. They have been bigging this up and all it was was a damp squid.

The shinners seem desperate to be endorsed by business community . They must think it will give them credibility . They hitched up with a couple of beauts here


It’s funny alright.

Paddy threw a strop because after he had received huge start up funding from the Irish State, they refused to close roads for his Ballsbridge party. This would have resulted in hundreds of thousands of “pleb” commuters who use the coast road and public transport along same being hugely inconvenienced for a week. This all so he could limo in Hollywood celebrities and tech executives. These are the same type of tech executives who poured millions into trying to stop Uber workers in San Francisco have the same employment rights as other workers.

This is the same fella “putting it up to the elites”.


Sinn Fein are pro business

Drugs taxis and petrol stations certainly.

Indeed , classic neoliberals . Vehemently opposed to any state involvement in commerce

By day, defending the Maduro regime, by night grifting dollars at $500 a plate Manhattan dinners :laughing:

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