Leo Varadkar

The FFG tradition of smearing the whistleblower very prominent here in all its grubby glory.

Has he resigned lads?


He has to go

You’d think that after their experience of initially jumping on the Gemma O’Doherty bandwagon Sinn Fein would be a little bit more wary of associating themselves with persons with fringe views. But it would seem they’re happy to go all in again here.

Look over there. Look over there.


Blueshirts don’t like it when they have to abide by their moral preaching.

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He’s quite integral to the story actually.

Why did he leak the documents Leo admitted to doing? He’s a distraction as is WhatsApp, Cosgrove and Village.
Head of state sending docs to a friend is unacceptable no matter who is leading the charge against it.

Blueshirts are pro-corruption.

Well he’s not a distraction going by these second set of “revelations”. He is claiming lots of meetings with Government ministers and is planning to launch a healthcare funding transparency organisation on the back of this (funny given how much he’s taken out of it in previous years).

The story appears to be this now. Chay Bowes is alleging cronyism in Irish healthcare funding and that undue access was given to himself and MOT. Apparently some of the alleged meetings did not even happen but if we go broader on this story, what is he actually saying? He didn’t get the CIS contract anyway, so what is he alleging happened in meetings that appear not to have actually happened?

It’s right and proper that someone with a background of political partisanship and more seriously, anti gay, anti Semitic, Islamaphobic & pro Putin views is given a bit more scrutiny. As for the Village magazine themselves, it appears that they did not contact any of these Ministers for a right of reply, which is bizarre carry on for a magazine.

The “first revelation” is what it is at this point, you either are over it or think he should have resigned. The second batch seem to have little merit and it’s questionable why they were printed in the first place given the major holes in the story and the logical failure of the “suggestions”.


Did FG Gov. not bring in protective disclosures legislation to protect whistleblowers about 5 years ago? I know FF sat on the idea for years in the noughties…

Smear, spin and deflect. The FG way.

I would say that printing allegations of meetings from a person of that character without giving a right of reply to the relevant people you are accusing is the actual smear. No reason for it, poor journalist ethics.

Deflect, deflect, deflect.

Varadkar leaked confidential government contracts to his mate and his defence has absolutely nothing to corroborate it but lots to undermine it.

The leaking story has been done.

We are talking about the “latest revelations”. Why would you not given Ministers a right of reply when you are making suggestions like the Village have?

This is the Leo Varadkar thread. The story is about how the head of state leaked confidential documents to his friend and how his defence for doing does not stand up to scrutiny.

Keep trying to deflect from that. Varadkar is not fit for office.

Why did you post the second set of reporting so? Those alleged meetings largely happened well after the agreement of the GP deal.

Stand up for the substance of those allegations.

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It’s a matter of fact. There is absolutely nothing to corroborate this. He hid it from his government colleagues and requested the document at the behest of his friend who headed up a rival organisation.

Complicit or a stooge, he is not fit for office.