Leo Varadkar

Good one mate :wink:

Apologies Dodgy, been busy for this past while.

Ireland has become a cesspit it seems. But when we elect cunts like Varadkar what would you expect?

punishable under nallys law

Is being castigated by society a driving factor in criminal activity? If there’s a long history of nonacceptance of a certain group, how can you expect the same group to buy into the values of those excluding them?

Possibly, but it’s not an excuse for criminal activity. I’m reminded of that every time I pass Tommy Casey’s derelict house.

No, but I would expect the group to buy into the laws of the land at the very least.

Answers I expected from a fair minded individual such as yourself. You can never excuse breaking the law… But we also know there’s more at play here than regular members of society committing crime. The internet loves black and white answers but real life is a lot of grey.

Chicken or egg?

That’s it… I suppose the chicken evolved to lay a certain egg. You can’t absolve the travelling community fully in any case.

A lot of it comes down to choices.

Theres an issue where parts of the culture are toxic, don’t appeal to most, but do to a significant amount, but very hard to change that as the toxic part is favoured by some of the most dominant members. What role should the state have in changing this? Any? The most measured would be enacting reasonable laws and enforcing them.

more a criminal act id say.

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You’re right. Thanks.

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Irleand never learns

Sinn Fein made a bollox of it really.

Didn’t realise that vote was last night, damp squib

Bobby Storeys funeral was mentioned more times in the dail last night than what Leo admitted to doing. Remarkable country really

It’s amusing that SF are once again the focus here. What about the 30 or so TDS not in sf who voted for the motion?
Even Aodhan got a dig in against Slab Murphy but still supported the motion. The Irish media has an unhealthy fetish towards rowing in behind these distractions