Leo Varadkar

Standard reply from ffglab and their presstitutes

Even the Village claim he met his non friend ten times in a year. Leo provided alibis for four of them. Six times is still twice as many as the 2/3 times he claimed. Nobody pursued that. I’ve hardly met my best friend 6 times in last few years ffs.

Real smoking gun stuff alright

It proves he’s a liar, not that there’s any doubt anyway.

Politician lies. By God.

Politician leaks confidential document to his friend, then lies about relationship with his friend.

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In fairness nobody in the real world gives an absolute bollocks about this

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SF IRA are still seething about being schooled in last nights debate. Are they that precious that they don’t expect a bit of cut and thrust in any debate and their own shortcomings pointed out.

The lads in Belfast around the monitor were fit to kill.

Politician leaks :hushed:

This never happens all over the world since politics began surely? I might fall off the couch here

Confidential documents.

Establishment shill defends establishment. :unamused:


There’s no need for all of his colleagues to say he gave a full and frank explanation all the same when it’s clear he didn’t. I would expect the media to do their job here.
The head of state is not a mere politician, can you imagine if Boris sent a confidential document to a friend who happened to be in a rival org? The British media would be all over it, as would ours probably

how did we get to this. the irish and indeed most "democs " are rotten to the core

Too many people taking drugs and not keeping up with what’s going on around them.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that Boris’s office leaks like a sieve given that Cummings has been broadcasting out via the Spectator since day 1.

FG protecting Leo again isn’t much of a shock. It’s up to the media to do their job properly to hold him to account, but half them have an eye on jumping the fence for a PR gig.

What planet do lads live on, is this place simultaneously utterly cynical and utterly naive at the same time?


Again, I missed that this was happening but flicked through the transcript just there just to see the main issues. A quick control F, it was mentioned once

I see statements from MLMD (SF), Aodhán Ó Ríordáin (Labour), Eoghan O’Brien (SF), Roisin Shorthall (SDs) to name just a few on the matter, I don’t have the inclination to look much further.

ageed buddy. Id say there’s lads on here who take drugs and you wouldnt know. I’m happy with a few wines and jameson.


It was mentioned by Heather Humphreys, Helen McEntee and one other FG td according to one piece I read this morning. Mrs Humphreys also mentioned the disappearing of bodies by the Ira in her speech, although what that to do with anything is lost on me tbh.

Joe McHugh mentioned men watching the a video in a Belfast room with a straight face as Leo’s friend pulled his strings. You literally couldn’t make the lack of self awareness up in FG ranks.

Putting their faith in a cunt like Paddy was the mistake here. He’s poison