Leo Varadkar

Not a pip about this on Six One, quelle surprise.
McDonkey gets a featue interview however, quelle surprise

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Did something happen?

McDonkey cancelled Christmas

Over Taz’s dead body

This is the way FG do business.

I’m no SF fan, but what a fucking spanner

Sums it up.

Ultimately, the question of who is entitled, legally or morally, to claim the ‘Sinn FĂ©in’ name is a matter of opinion. However, a balanced assessment would appear to bear out Taoiseach Martin’s view in at least one regard. Whilst a quirk of Irish legislation meant that any organisation could have registered under the name ‘Sinn FĂ©in’ in the Republic, no single party can lay exclusive claim to Ireland’s revolutionary past. That history belongs to all who choose to engage with it.

That was a good read, thanks for sharing mate.

No worries mate. Yep, good article alright.

I dont think I’d like him coming to my door somehow or other.

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Desperation stuff from Leo. He was 21 in 1984.

Leo is slowly morphing into Ewan

Himself, Paddy and Ewan could do with putting down the auld twitter for a while


Leave Paddy out of this

Classic freedom fighting trying to rob a post office van. Will he get a statute?

Ah thats alright then I suppose.

Better than giving yourself a payrise for killing homeless people.

That’s the FG way.

Still frustrating the Grace case I see.

Leo Varwanker :joy: