Leo Varadkar

Whereā€™s he being hiding

A fantastic photo op. Add this to the canvassing for COTY

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I think weā€™d all prefer he was working front line covid. PPE would limit his photo opportunities if nothing else.


Leo, Leo, Leo

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Will we have the right to request double pay and fiver day weekends as well?

Better still, youā€™ll have the right to shriek for them.

Very kind of Leo to enshrine our right to ask for things in legislation. A real headline grabber. Meanwhile he wonā€™t answer questions in the DĆ”il as to why people in Ireland are paying double the mortgage rates of the rest of Europe.


Outstanding governance.

You seem very cynical todayā€¦

Great to see Leo has signed up with 150 other gps to administer the vaccine.

Sure leo is a dose himself

Heā€™s not one to turn down a photo op.

Itā€™s good news no?

That Leo gets a photo op.

Not really. He will just take up extra time. You think heā€™s going to take 5 weeks special leave and administer people for that time?

Or is he just going to a full day to administer 5 people and have loads of camera men and journalists present in doing so?

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Is it good news heā€™ll be vaccinated people and speeding up the process?

The HSE are extending the gap from 21 to 28 days so 20% for a few weeks hopefully shouldnā€™t be material?

Heā€™ll slow down the process.

Itā€™s a photo shoot.

Sure they have half the current stock sitting in a fridge anyway.

Given itā€™s such a competitive market isnā€™t it odd they are stopping for a few weeks?

They have a right to request it now. Employers have a right to say no.